Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.27

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"Snap out of it!-" she snapped her fingers, "..This food is poisoned-" she exams the plate, "What!-" Deng Wu dropped the bread, "How'd you know?-" he questions.

"..I can smell the toxins," she responds Deng Wu lifted the tray to his nose but couldn't pick up any smell but the food itself, "..I can't smell a thing,"

"..That's because you're not an expert in poisons," due to her skills and feline abilities there's no way a normal person who knew nothing of poison could detect the scent.

"And you are?"

"A certified one," Cheng Bi Yu  proceeds to examine the food even further then informs, "..Back at Jiang  Court we had a witness who claimed his fiance didn't commit suicide and that she had been killed by some very dangerous people as a cover up so we took him into our custody to protect him. Not too long he was found this very cell dead and the scent in this food is the same as before,"

"..Now it's quite evident that we have a traitor amongst us and I know who it is," she states then advanced, "...In the meantime don't eat or drink anything they serve us,"

"..But I'll serve!" Deng Wu whined feeling the grumbling in his stomach getting out of control. "..You're a grown man you'll survive besides I'm certain Magistrate Zheng will quickly  get us out of here,"

"Poppy is there anything happening?"

[[Answering Host, Zheng Yong is meeting with Magistrate Long as we speak]]

"Poppy I'm gonna need food I don't think he can last long," she glances over to Deng Wu who was in a daze probably daydreaming about food.

[Right away Host!]

"..Here eat this," she hands Deng Wu a thick juicy chicken leg, "..Where'd this come from?" His mouth wondered at the sight before him but his curiosity got the best of him with her hand getting tired she professed, "..I pulled it from up my sleeves now take it or maybe you don't want any. If that's the case then-" Cheng Bi Yu slowly retracted her hand.

Deng Wu rushed grabbing the chicken leg,"..Wait I'll have it!-"

"Good! There's more from where that came from," and indeed there was, Deng Wu was amused at what all she pulled from her sleeves he had never seen someone carry a whole feast in their robe sleeves before.

"..Feel better now?" Deng Wu patted his stuffed stomach, "..Much better," was his reply he turns to her, "...By the way how did you do that?-" he asks.

"..You're a curious one aren't you? I can't let you know all my tricks but let's just say it's magic," she answered.

"Everything about you is a mystery,"

"..And that's how I like to keep it if you don't mind," Cheng Bi Yu brushed her cheek.

"..Zheng Yong I have to say I was surprised when you invited me out for wine-" Magistrate Ping smiles," But I'm glad I think it's best if we are closer it'll certainly do us some good in solving these cases," Zheng Yong proceeds to pour them wine, Magistrate Ping brings it to his lips, Zheng Yong speaks, "..I know you're very well aware that Tang Ying Jie was arrested,"

Magistrate Ping puts down his cup, "Un. I've heard such a fine young lad none of us ever expected him to be involved in such cheap acts," he takes the teacup and pours himself another cup, "..But how are you feeling right now? After all he was once your Advisor and you trusted him with so many things. It's a shame-"

"..I think you are mistaken Magistrate Ping," Magistrate Pings face contorts into one of confusion  Zheng Yong explains, "When you said he was my Advisor you were mistaken as Ying Jie is still my Advisor and when you said I trusted him, I still have faith in him,"

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