Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.7

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"Please grant me justice!-" the man continued to plead banging his forehead against the concrete Zheng Yong sets aside his scroll his focus transfixed on the frazzled kneeling youth, "And whom do you seek justice for?.." Zheng Yong flatly asked the nervous youth practically squirmed  from his scrutinizing gaze he bites his tongue, "..I come to seek justice for Bo Hui Ying," everyone stood intrigued further listening to the crazed eyed youth, "..I, Lee Ying Rei know who killed my Hui Ying," he dominantly states everyone assumed this Bo Hui Ying that he spoke of was the third unidentified victim.

"...And who do you assume murdered her?-" Zheng Yong questions agitate wanting the youth to loosen his tongue because this may certainly be to break they've been needing.

Lee Yong Rei lips flattened his chocolate brown eyes slanted, "...You see Bo Hui Ying wasn't a wealthy family's young Miss she was reared in a money scarce environment. Hence
when she had just turned sixteen
she was sold to the Le Forte the popular brothel in X District which I often frequented-"

A bittersweet faint smile formed on his lips, "..Hui Ying was their most popular entertainer she brought
in majority of their profits but she wasn't just a dancing girl I think
she helped them in their side hussle of  marketing fake gold..."

Lee Yong Rei creased his brows trailing off his eyes moistened, "..My frequent visits caused us to fall in love-" Zheng Yong furrowed his brows Lee Yong Rei catches his scrutinizing stare, "..Yes we fell in love-" he tightly clutched his chest, "..Hui Ying was going to quit after we planned to elope to the countryside but that day when we planned to meet something happened-"

His breath gets caught at the back of his throat, "-I had a gut feeling I always did when something was wrong. I went straight back to the brothel to get her but she had vanished her room was in total disarray it was a complete chaos in the small quarters there had to have been a struggle-"

Lee Yong Rei bit his tongue biting back the tears, "And then I knew-" he bit his hand, "..I knew Tao Lin must have killed her-"

He kowtows tears falling down his cheek,"-Please grant me justice! Grant justice to my Hui Ying my Lord! Please grant Hui Ying justice!-" he relentlessly pleads his face reddened.

"Stop!-" Zheng Yong commanded waving his hand Cheng Bi Yu steps forward, "..Is what you say true? Can your words be trusted?-" Lee Yong Rei nods frantically as he clasps his hands together, "..What I say is true they did kill Hui Ying! They killed her!-" he wails in anguish smacking his closed fist against his chest, "..They kill my Hui Ying!..."

Cheng Bi Yu stood tight-lipped she was internally shattered by such a scene her cold exterior softened, "...Forgive my bluntness and lack of sympathy for your grief but I just wanted to ensure your words are liable-" she cocks her brows, "..You do know those are incriminating accusations? And you do know if you lie to a Court Magistrate what kind of consequences would befall you correct?-"

Lee Yong Rei stinging eyes dart in
Zheng Yong's direction he stifled a bit wiping his nose, "...I wouldn't lie!
I wouldn't dare to lie in front of you my Lord! Please grant me-"

Zheng Yong interjects stopping his flow of words, "Alright that's enough! Raise already you're getting tears all over the floor-" Lee Yong Rei stubbornly remained kneeling which earned a suspicious glare from Zheng Yong.

Lee Yong Rei lips trembled as the words left his mouth, "..May I ask my Lord one more request?-" not waiting for a response he dives in, "-Please don't release me from Jiang Court my Lord if they find out I piped a word to you they'll surely chop off my neck! Keep me under your protection! Don't let them get me too!-"

Zheng Yong slants his eyes he tilts his head rubbing his creased forehead, "..This day's just getting better and better-" he shifts in his seat he straightened focusing his line of vision on the terrified youth, "..Alright-" he nods, "..It's final. Guards escort Lee Yong Rei here to the prison  where he will be held on the order of protection. Where he will be monitored everyday for twenty-four  hours in his stay he'll get food accommodations and be treated justly-"

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