Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.31

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"Quickly I won't bite-" Mama Zhang ushers them in discarding her wool coat and scarf on a nearby rack, and gets busy in the kitchen, "It's best you lads freshen up too," she turns back to the group.

They nodded. Zhou Tong eyes search the room, he felt a slight jolt to his arm, "What're you looking for?-" Deng Wu asks curiously.

"I'll go see Ning Ning," Cheng Bi Yu went ahead Zhou Tong directs his attention to Mama Zhang, "Mama Zhang is there by any chance Tang Mu Lan is around here? I have something important to discuss with her,"

Mama Zhang stops her chopping turning to the young court officer her thick eyebrows arched,"What are you saying silly? She has just left the room-" Zhou Tong stared at her puzzled.

Mama Zhang sets aside her knife, "Let me elaborate Ying Jie and Mu Lan are the same you can't see one without the other because they are resided in the same body; one soul, one body. Do you get it now young man-" she turned proceeding her action of chopping.

Momentarily Cheng Bi Yu appears from around the corner,"Come let me show you to the baths-" she directed her speech to the two men.

"Absolutely-" Deng Wu rushed past Zhou Tong bouncing him in the process. Deng Wu turns back eyeing the bewildered Zhou Tong he approached halting right before him he snaps his fingers, "What're you doing here standing all dazed? It's time we bath-" Deng Wu grabs his arm dragging the unresponsive Officer Zhou along.

"Nice to see you lads all freshened up-" Mama Zhang said as they strolled in they both sat down beside each other one with a obvious puzzled look the other held a more cool demeanor.

Cheng Bi Yu waltz in attired in a loose pink robe her hair wild flowing down to her waist with Ning Ning tagging along beside her.

The youthful teenager movements however stilled when she saw the two strange men instinctively she clutched Cheng Bi Yu's robe then quickly hid behind her like a prey hiding from a predator she peeks her head out from behind, "Tang Tang, who are these men?-"

Cheng Bi Yu gently pats the teen's head, "..No need to be shy my little Ning Ning," she informed glancing over to the two, "I work with them," she then introduced the duo once more, "The handsome looking fellow to the right is Officer Zhou but feel free to call him Mister Zhou," Zhou Tong responds with a warm smile.

"And that mediocre clown to my left is Deng Wu just address him as Deng Wu and nothing else," Deng Wu slouched back pouting nonetheless the teenager gave a faint smile.

Ning Ning accordingly curtseys, "Nice to meet you good sirs-"

Mama Zhang approached the group, "A lady should never wear her hair unkept even in the comforts of her ancestral domain," she smoothly uses a carved wooden hairpin to pin securely Cheng Bi Yu's long locks.

Mama Zhang lowered her arms, "Hurry and assist me in the kitchen I'm almost through-" she rubbed her hands in her apron. Ning Ning slowly dressed back making her escape noticing the sneaky retreat Mama Zhang grabs the teen,"You too you little rascal!" She strongly pinched Ning Ning's cheeks, "Don't think you'll escape this time-" Ning Ning wrestles from her grasp the teenager pouts rubbing her aching cheeks, "Alright-"
She reluctantly trailed behind Mama Zhang.

They all sat down for a meal. Zhou Tong still somewhat bewildered kept his sights on Cheng Bi Yu while everyone else especially Deng Wu was too invested in eating to notice
his surroundings.

Cheng Bi Yu uncomfortably shifts having enough of his blatant stares she momentarily crossed her legs then loudly clears her throat as their eyes met, "If you have something to say you should speak it clearly. How long will you stare?-"

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