Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.34

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Zhou Tong searched through the crowd for Cheng Bi Yu but was unable to detect her through rustling sea of people. Cheng Bi Yu near the lake made her way through the bustling crowd of lovers squeezing her way to the front for a better view.

"..This should be fine-" she watched as the cubic paper lanterns were lighted.

"Ooh so beautiful!-" the crowd gushed excitedly over the visual beauty of the lanterns floating in the clear, eternal sky Cheng Bi Yu steps back beholding the magnificent beauty.

Wei Fai who had lost sight of Zheng Yong in the crowd was urgently searching for the indifferent man even getting agitated.

Wei Fai by accident roughly bumps into Cheng Bi Yu who lost her balance they are both thrown into the icy, fresh lake, "Miss!-" Yum shrieked in horror the distraught youth frantically panicked, "Someone please help my Lady!-" Yum pleas her eyes puffed red on the verge of tears.

A bystander witnessing the distraught youth's display yelled alerting the overly preoccupied crowd, "Help someone fell into the water!-" a loud uproar spreads among the crowd.

Cheng Bi Yu flaps her arms paddling  forward to help Wei Fai who rudely flicks her arm causing her to fall back. Hearing the commotion both Zheng Yong and Zhou Tong marched their way to the front seeing the scene the two both jump in, Wei Fai starts moving frantically, ". .Miss please stop moving!-" Yum pleas in fear that her Lady will drown.

Wei Fai continues to deliberately flap her arms waiting to be rescued by Zheng Yong but unfortunate for her both men had actively swam towards Cheng Bi Yu. Zheng Yong who reached her first had scooped her into his arms carrying her out of the water Cheng Bi Yu tightened her hold around his neck.

With no one else to save Zhou Tong helps Wei Fai out of the water. "..Miss are you okay?-" Yum frantically tries to help out quickly throwing a robe over Wei Fai's shoulders, the dissatisfied woman terribly trembled  from the cold witness Zheng Yong's affection towards a man she was beyond livid that he had neglected to save her— his fiancé.

"..Miss are you still cold?-" Yum made efforts to make her comfortable Wei Fai acted frail even coughing to persuade the indifferent man's attention but his eyes were intensely locked on Cheng Bi Yu.

Mei-Liang also comforted Cheng Bi Yu, "Are you sure you're fine? How did you fall into the water anyway? Are you cold?-" adjusting the robe on her shoulders Cheng Bi Yu reassures with a smile, "I'm fine it was an unfortunate accident Wei Fai and I suddenly fell in," she glances over at Wei Fai offering a faint smile Wei Fai charmingly returns her sincerity but when Cheng Bi Yu turned away she scrawled her malicious gaze holding malice.

"..Thank you for saving me," though they weren't on good terms Cheng  Bi Yu had to acknowledge that he dived into frozen water to save her even though she rejected his advances, "Aren't you cold too? Don't you want back your coat?-" Cheng Bi Yu proceeds to remove the robe but was halted when Zheng Yong grips her shoulder, "Don't..you keep it-"

"..Alright-" Cheng Bi Yu responds adjusting the coat Zheng Yong removed his hand,"It's best we head back," he suggested.

Wei Fai strode over with Yum trailing closely behind she practically flung herself at the unsuspecting Zheng Yong, "..My Lord I'm n-not feeling w-well the water w-was so c-cold I think I might have c-caught a cold," she fake coughs.

"Quickly gather the carriage," Zheng Yong gestures, "..Yum help your Miss make sure she gets back safely," Yum quickly nods, "Yes my Lord-" she outstretched her hand, "..Come on Miss-"

Wei Fai pulled back disappointment swirling in her orbs and a evident frown drawn on her lips, "..Won't my Lord accompanying me on the ride back?-"

"You go ahead it's best you get back first. I'll ride with the others I'm sure there's enough room," Zheng Yong turned his focus to Yum, "What are you waiting for? Hurry and return her back!-"

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