Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.9

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Poppy immediately transferred the layout to Cheng Bi Yu so the two
immediately set off towards the Red District. The Red District was definitely different from the entire city, it was even more bustling than at a night market.

Many littered the street some looking for entertainment or just some looking to have fun but one thing for sure the Red District was very well known for their various Brothel especially Le Forte which was right around the corner being the most popular.

Cheng Bi Yu and Mei-Liang stood awestruck in front of the devil red building before entering. A rough wave of alcohol and sex stench had hit their nostril causing they cringed scrunching their nostrils.

Both proceeded further drawing stares from regular frequenters they knew these men were fairly new. Mistress Lin, Lin Hachi, Tao Lin's big chested wife and fruitful hostess of this spunky establishment approached the two new comers.

Mistress Lin was a beauty in her day and still was but Cheng Bi Yu clearly disturbed gauges due to the strong fragrance of different powders that caked her oily skin. Lin Hachi's robes were made from the flashiest fabrics not common among women her age.

The robes she fancied exposed her curves especially her endearing overripe bust nothing was left to the imagination as they practically spilled from her robes everytime she so happened to bend down or tilt in the slightest fashion.

Mistress Lin, Lin Hachi shyly waved her red embroidered handkerchief as she sweetly spoke, "...Young Masters how may I cater to your needs? Do you perhaps want to drink our finest wine? or maybe you could be interested in one of our girls?-" Mistress Lin gestures to her girls dancing on the stage, she then turns back sharply examining their attire brightly smiling a big check was surely coming her way she mumbles silently, "..These masters look to have some prestigious backgrounds," but little did she know her scope was incorrect.

Mistress Lin then proceeds calling over one of her girls and  what a beauty she was, Mistress Lin suggested, "..Since these Young Masters are new I suggest to you Jiya-Ling she's our little flower good in the four sets and anything you Masters may like," Jiya-Ling was forcibly pushed forward into Mei-Liang's arms she peered up at her provocatively rubbing her jaded chest up against her.

Mei-Liang stood there dumbfounded  Jiya-Ling shyly rubs her head against her the call girl's cheek was burning red at the intimate contact Cheng Bi Yu interjects catching Mei-Liang's helpless stare, "..Thank you for your hospital Mistress Lin but we just need a room for ourselves and a few drinks entertainment isn't required,"

Jiya-Ling pouts saddened she retracts from Mei-Liang's embrace seeing this Mistress Lin, Lin Hachi exclaims before the two could escape, "..But I insist our little Jiya-Ling is the best she's very obedient and knows every move," she greedily persisted.

Jiya-Ling nodded her head in agreement she grabs onto Cheng Bi Yu's robe sleeve persisting, "...Let me serve you Young Masters little Jiya-Ling will do my best to ensure you're both satisfied-"

Cheng Bi Yu didn't budge but the pressure of everyone's gaze directed at her waiting for her response especially the persistent eyes of Mistress Lin and little Jiya-Ling she grumbles in agreement, "...Fine send her up-" Mistress Lin claps enthusiastically, "..I knew no sane man could resist your charms," she gleefully pinched little Jiya-Ling's cheeks.

Mistress Lin steps in front, "...This way Young Masters-" the three followed behind as they are led upstairs into a lavish quarters. Mistress Lin, Lin Hachi placed down the jar of wine on the table in the center of the courtyard.

The strong jasmine scented Mistress Lin motions for the peach fragranced Jiya-Ling to approach as the two  'Young Masters' examined the room's layout.

She rests her hands on her shoulder, "..Little Jiya-Ling  serve them well okay. Do anything they tell you to and try not to upset them," Jiya-Ling deeply exhaled nodding she rests her palm against her chest, "..Good girl!-"
Mistress Lin, Lin Hachi kissed plants a endearing kiss on her head, "..Don't disappoint me-" she left leaving her behind.

A little nervous Jiya-Ling mutters some encouraging words to herself
before slowly turning around. Jiya-Ling bit her lip anxiously she didn't know what the situation was she worried. What if they wanted her to do an act she couldn't? Jiya-Ling gulps shuttering, "Would they be rough rough like the others?-" she silently pondered.

She deeply exhales calming her boiling nerves her coral pink eyes dart to the two men who were already seated around the table catching her stare Cheng Bi Yu
ushers her over gesturing her to sit on the opposite side facing them.

Cheng Bi Yu poured out some wine urging Jiya-Ling to drink up. Jiya-Ling starts to hick up from ingesting her first cup of wine her face morphed feeling quite puffy and uncomfortable her cheeks felt overly hot.

Cheng Bi Yu hoisted her up leading her towards the bed carefully seating her down her foggy eyes widened thinking he was ready to proceed the intimate deed she grumbles in discomfort, "..Y-young Master I'm n-not feeling so g-good I t-think something's w-wrong-" Jiya-Ling words slurred her vision became more hazy she felt awfully dizzy.

Cheng Bi Yu caressed the stunned Jiya-Ling's cheek she exclaimed in a soothing tone, "..It's alright you can rest now-"

"..B-but I d-don't f-feel-" Jiya-Ling falls back on the bed unconscious, Mei-Liang gasped shock Cheng Bi Yu carefully rested Jiya-Ling's head on the pillow she moved off the bed walking towards Mei-Liang  "...Is she okay?!-" Mei-Liang gasped all panicky.

"..She's alive at the most I just slipped a little drop of sedative into her wine-" Cheng Bi Yu exclaims pulling the string of her sack she tossed out her robes.

Focused on the unconscious figure on the bed Mei-Liang then turns to Cheng  Bi Yu her eyes often darting to the bed, "...What do we do now?-" she asks.

"We change..." Cheng Bi Yu proceeds to strip her manly garments tugging on her feminine ones, "..Hurry up!" she nudges Mei-Liang who hurriedly striped her garments changing.

Chucking the sacks out a open window Cheng Bi Yu is ready to put the rest of her plan in motion to finish off her look she had tied a veil around her face. "..What is it!-" she asks out of curiosity Mei-Liang as always pointed to the unmoving figure on the bed.

Cheng Bi Yu creased her brows, "..Come with me-" she grabs Mei-Liang's hand marching her over to Jiya-Ling she tugs harder placing her hand below her nose, "See breathing-" Cheng Bi Yu drops her palm, "..I told you she's just sleeping. With luck she'll wake up in a few hours-" Mei-Liang sighs in relief stepping back.

Poppy has already sent her a layout of the brothel so it was quite easy for her to locate Tao Lin's room entering she instructs, "...Just keep a look out and tell me if anyone's coming okay," Mei-Liang nods, "Un-"

Cheng Bi Yu steps further rummaging through his things searching for solid evidence right at his desk she opens a draw and finds many scrolls and couple notes, it was a literal mountain of sheets Cheng Bi Yu wrinkled her nose snorting, "..Can a brothel owner be less disorganized?!-"

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