The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.5

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Cheng Bi Yu then warns,  "Ah Lam please don't interfere whatever means it may be this Miss must see the Emperor-" she then turns back to Eunuch Zheng Hou, "Eunuch Zheng, this Miss must meet the Emperor please this concubine request you,"

Eunuch Zheng Hou smirks feeling high and mighty "This Eunuch once again request Concubine Bao to return to her courtyard before it starts to rain..."

Cheng Bi Yu spoke with determine eyes, "Then this concubine shall kneel here until the Emperor please himself..." Cheng Bi Yu then lifted her skirt and gracefully knelt on the step.

Ah Lam spoke reasonably, "Miss, please let's go back don't kneel Miss your knees will be hurt..."

Cheng Bi Yu got irritated and scolds "Is this Miss a baby to be cared for Ah Lam do not pass your place okay!.." Ah Lam's paled and dressed back.

Cheng Bi Yu face softened as she felt remorseful harshly scolding the considerate girl.

Cheng Bi Yu's eyes focused ahead as she patiently waited.

One hour came then two. Two became three, three became four, four became five and five became six. It was already night.

Li Zi Hao left his chambers deciding on a nightly stroll. When he passed the his father's court he was quite shocked to find Bao Chen Guangzhou.

The girl was still stubbornly kneeling. A smile small forms on his lips.

[[Ding! Second male lead's affection points at 50%]]

Cheng Bi Yu inadvertently shifted her numb knees, "Li Zi Hao? Where?-"

The black-bellied prince approached,
"Why don't you go in now the night is quite cold. Bao Chen Guangzhou don't  you think this stubborn act of yours has gotten too far?-"

Cheng Bi Yu bit down on her lip.
"What does this one owe the pleasure of the Crown Prince's pity...."

A ghost smile tugged on the youth's lip,"This Prince just wants to know why are you doing this and why is that servant so important to you?" Li Zi Hao had been informed of the events earlier. Why would the Empress request the girl's presence if not to stir up trouble?

Li Zi Hao was well aware of the matter between his Noble Consort and his Concubine, but refused to get involved.

Though he was quite sure the 'weak'  Bao Hui Qing had cunningly plotted against her sister.

"Achoo!-" Cheng Bi Yu brought her hand to her nose.

With a bright red nose she spoke, "
Answering his Highness, Ah kum is innocent she was just another ploy in some vile person's scheme." Cheng Bi Yu adds, "For me Ah kum is not just a servant she's family and family must protect each other,"

Li Zi Hao then asks, "Will you be able to withstand the harsh cold winds?-"

Cheng Bi Yu confidently spoke, "This concubine's endurance is not so weak that she'll be easily shaken by some winds," then stubbornly pointed her nose to the sky, "By hook or chin this one must meet the Emperor,"

"Achoo! Achoo!-" she cutely sneezed with a flush face she turns to the vigorously trembling Ah Lam, "Ah do one thing. Go back the winds are too strong...I don't want you to catch a cold."

Ah Lam stubbornly shakes her head, she said with trembling teeth, "Ah Lam can wait with Miss..." the girl tightly hugged herself.

"Ah Lam don't be stubborn. Quickly head back...." the girl stubbornly shook her head, "Miss will also get sick if she.. she stays....Ah Lam will stay to look after miss,"

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