Tang, The Cat Detective- 4. 28

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"....It's normal to be spooked when you see two people ingest a massive amount of poison but are still standing," Cheng Bi Yu crooked she scratched her nose, "..If he wasn't that'll be another thing-"

Deng Wu brows creases he exclaimed astonished, "..Didn't you say it was poisoned so how comes I'm not on my way to high heaven?!-"

Cheng Bi Yu professed, "..I'll make everything clear later," just then Zheng Yong strode in with Zhou Tong in tow Cheng Bi Yu hurried to her feet, "..Am I glad to see you!-"

Zheng Yong approached her cell, "..I'm glad that you think so. Your name had been cleared your free to come back," he informed stepping aside Zhou Tong inched forward opening her cell, "..It's great being free again!-" Cheng Bi Yu joyously stretched her limbs.

Zheng Yong informs, "Don't rejoice so soon you're still under observation but free nonetheless." Cheng Bi Yu mouths, "Oh-" she lowered her arms, "..Till when?-" Zheng Yong lips thinned, "..Don't know-" he then proclaimed, "..We have important matters to discuss let's be off,"

At this brink moment Deng Wu cleared his throat commanding everyone's attention, "..Don't you think you're forgetting something Advisor?-" she gazed upon Cheng Bi Yu.

"..If you take me you'll have to take him-" Zheng Yong's nose flared Cheng Bi Yu rushed, "..Before you say anything this person, he's incredibly
vital to our investigation he's the last of the dead miners involved in the fake gold conspiracy." She glanced over to Deng Wu, "He'll certainly  be of great importance to us-"

Zheng Yong deliberated for a period, "...Alright-" he finally spoke after some time he glanced over at the cell, "..Free him-" Zheng Yong orders Zhou Tong proceeds yanking the cell open.

Deng Wu sprung, "..Freedom here I come!-" he excitedly cheered flinging his arm around Cheng Bi Yu's shoulder.

Zheng Yong's right eyes twitched at the display his eye darkly slants, "..Hurry up!-" he marched ahead. "Aye, Aye Captain!-" Deng Wu jokingly salutes Cheng Bi Yu nudges her elbow in his abdomen moving away, "..You play too much-"

Deng Wu clutched his stomach, "..You're abusive you know that?-" Cheng Bi Yu humphs, "..You haven't seen nothing yet if you continue to annoy me-" she smacked her fully rounded fist against her palm.

"..Come on-" Cheng Bi Yu she grabbed his arm tugging him along once they were away from prying eyes Zheng Yong demanding voice ascending in their ears, "..Tell us everything-"
Deng Wu fine eyes briefly darted to Cheng Bi Yu, "Did you not tell him about our arrangements?-" Zheng Yong strict eyes hearing his words dart to Cheng Bi Yu, "What arrangements?-"

Cheng Bi Yu exhaled,"..It turns out I might have promised him full immunity if he cooperated-" she professed Zheng Yong abruptly stands noticeably angered, "Come with me!-" he commands Cheng Bi Yu a sheep about to get slaughtered slowly paced behind which irritated her butcher, "..Walk up!-" he shouts.

When they were an inconceivable distance he stopped abruptly causing Cheng Bi Yu to unexpectedly bump into his back dressing back she carefully rubs her nose, "What were you thinking?!-" Zheng Yong relents.

"Huh?..." Cheng Bi Yu looks up him Zheng Yong frustratedly exhaled,
"How could you offer that criminal full immunity?! What's going on in that big head of yours-"

"..For starters my brain is doing just fine thank you. As for Deng Wu, I think it's understandably reasonable seeing as he's risking his life to give us this information,"

Zheng Yong huffed, "..Okay fine! But can you guarantee he can be trusted,
for all we know he could be feeding us lies or he's a spy?"

"..It'll be up to you. Remember if Hell freezes over you're the one who caused it-" flicking his fan Zheng Yong glanced over at Deng Wu who delivered a big smile in his direction.

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