Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.36

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Wei Fai hurriedly packed her things, "Are we really leaving Miss?-" Yum with uncertainty watched as Wei Fai swiftly collected her items.

"Yes we are leaving there's no place for us here. Besides there are too many eyes here it won't be easy for me to harm that bitch! So it would be best if we leave from here. You get it?-" Wei Fai applies pressure to the lid of the trunk closing it.

"Yes Miss," Yum helps with the luggage struggling to get them out because of Wei Fai's suffocating pride she refused help when the court officers had offered not wanting their filthy hands to stain her possessions.

"You're leaving already-" Cheng Bi Yu artificially pouts approaching them, " But the fun has just begun," her eyes slanted mischief swirling in her orbs.

Yum points her trembling finger raising her voice, "You! Stay away from my Miss! Aren't you feeling any shame?!-"

Cheng Bi Yu dramatically gasps holding her chest, "Shame?-" she held back her sinister laugh, "I should feel shame? Why should I feel ashamed? I think you're forgetting one major fact Yum. Don't tell me you already forgot that both you and your Miss-" she points back and forth, "..Tried to kill me?-" Cheng Bi Yu shouts a loud her tone hushed.

"You!-" Yum was tight-lipped as she violently shook. Ignoring the girl Cheng Bi Yu directs her attention to Wei Fai, "You're awfully quiet today. Or with your silence you're admitting your guilt? Which is it?-" she jeered.
Wei Fai grits her teeth balling her fist
too tight her sharp fingernails scraped her palm.

Cheng Bi Yu approached by her side she pats her shoulder in a friendly yet underline intimidating manner she leaned, "...Don't worry I haven't told anyone about your pathetic attempt so don't be so stiff, relax-" she grips her shoulder, ".. Why not let bygones be bygones," Wei Fai peered glaring
at her with spite, "Do you think because you cheated death you're all high and mighty? Do you think because Zheng Yong chose you I'll simply give up?-" Cheng Bi Yu cocks her head she remained silent listening to Wei Fai's rambling.

Wei Fai scrawled smacking her hand away, "..Zheng Yong saved you this time but you better watch your back. Zheng Yong is mine!-" she exclaimed.

Cheng Bi Yu fierce gaze pin her down,
"You keep on going Zheng Yong is mine! Is Zheng Yong your property that you claim him as yours time and time again?-" she snorts, "..Don't worry about my back it'll be fine  after all I've witnessed my fair share of backstabbers in my day so your little threats mean nothing to me,"

"..If you want to start a war with me viper you better be ready-" Cheng Bi Yu once again pressed her shoulder she dangerously leans her tone grim she applies bone crushing pressure, "..My bite is far worse than my bark! So you better up your antics," Cheng Bi Yu retracts she yawned in a bored manner, "...This child's play bores me-" she releases her shoulder.

"..Just you wait!-" she snarled Wei Fai being the tantrum Queen that she is huffs storming off.

"Goodbye Cuckoo!-" Cheng Bi Yu shouted in the distance waving farewell she fondled her sleeve, "..What a drama queen!-" she exhaled releasing her sleeve, "I didn't think she'd actually leave. That viper is a crafty one now that she's gone I can breath easily,"

Cheng Bi Yu stretches taking in the fresh breeze, "..But since she's gone I won't be able to keep an eye on her. A viper like her will definitely want revenge. Sigh! What's with these girls and there obsession with men they can't have? I'm getting an headache just thinking about it-" Cheng Bi Yu exhaled holdings her head, "..I better go for a walk-"

"Uncle it's awful!-" Wei Fai barges into Magistrate Ping's courtyard rushing towards the man who sat leisuring playing chess, "I c-can't believe he did that to m-me!-" she hiccuped.

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