The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.7

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Cheng Bi Yu laid on her bed the fresh faced beauty drifting in and out of sleep. Cheng Bi Yu felt a sudden presence behind but remind uneven slowly breathing, her eyes however popped open feeling the bed shift behind her a arm wrapped around her waist, "It's only me..." a hot breath  fanned against her ear.

"Your Highness!-" Cheng Bi Yu gasps.

Li Zi Hao pressed his face against her neck, "-Please don't call me your Highness," his grip on her waist became tighter, "Call me by my name this once-" he said in a pleading voice.

"Zi Hao..." her delicate voice reached his ear. The male lead snuggles against her back, "I won't do anything. Just let me hold you like you-"

"Un." Cheng Bi Yu closed her heavy eyelids soon she no longer drifted in and out of sleep but rather felt safe in Li Zi Hao's arms.

The roaster crowed signaling the rise of a new day. Cheng Bi Yu shifted opening her eyes she found that Li Zi Hao no longer laid beside.

Cheng Bi Yu  gets out of bed she yarned stretching her tired limbs,"-Zi Hao..." she called out walking across  the room she slides open her room door, "Zi Hao?-" she called out.

Cheng Bi Yu  was greeted by a very esthetic Ah Lam, "It's good Miss is up. Ah Lam will prepare breakfast right away-" the girl's feet were all fired up.

"Wait!-" Ah Lam stopped in her tracks, "Have you seen Zi Hao?-" Cheng Bi Yu asked. The girl froze blinking dumbfounded her brain seem to not be comprehending Cheng Bi Yu's words.

"-Ke,ke," Cheng Bi Yu awkwardly clears her throat, "-His Highness, have you seen his Highness?-"

"Oh..." Ah Lam face flushed red in embarrassment knowing her master was intimately calling His Highness's name.

Collecting herself she lifted her head informing, "His Highness returned to his courtyard at the break of dawn. His Highness was keen on not waking Miss..."

"Oh-" Cheng Bi Yu mouthed couldn't  help the pout forming on her lips.

Ah Lam jeered, "Don't be sad Miss. His Highness will surely visit Miss later.." not hearing another peep from Cheng Bi Yu, Ah Lam sets off to the kitchen.

Ah Kum had returned from the lake with buckles of water, "Miss is awake!-" she beamed a dazing smile displayed on her lips.

Ah Kum placed the buckets to the side drying her wet palms in her green  robe she asked,  "Is Miss ready for her bath?.."


After getting dressed Cheng Bi Yu decided on not going outside. She sat in a lime green robe doing embroidery, "Ah!-" she pricked her finger.

"Miss your finger!-" Ah Kum who also practiced embroidery paused worriedly eyeing Cheng Bi Yu.

"It's okay," Cheng Bi Yu brought her thumb to her lips licking the blood, "See as good as normal..." Cheng Bi Yu proudly held up her finished handkerchief, "How does it look? Isn't it good right?-"

"Miss's skills are excellent!-" Ah Kum praised the round faced girl sourly looked down at hers, "However my skills are......questionable-"

"It's not so bad..." Cheng Bi Yu looked at the disastrous needle work; they were big and incoherent as for the flower she tried to embroidered was mere scribbles, "-With more practice in the future this Miss thinks you'll surely improve-"

"Really?!-" Ah Kum looked up her eyes bright like a child waiting for the approval of a parent.

"Absolutely!-" Cheng Bi Yu gave a warm smile, "Help me put this away..." she handed over the handkerchief.

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