The Crown Prince's Concubine- 2.9

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The next morning Cheng Bi Yu woke up in Li Zi Hao's arm for the first time this black-bellied prince did not abandon her after they spent a night together, "-Blessed morning my beautiful Chen Guangzhou-" his husky voice sounded near her ear.

"-Blessed morning Zi Hao..." she shyly blushed at the bare chested man.

"Miss!-" the girls hurried into the carriage with their luggage Cheng Bi Yu gave them a warm smile, "-Girls.."
Today Cheng Bi Yu would be leaving  the camp on arriving back to the palace she lifts the window curtains she sighed, "-I'm back..." looking at the dreadful Imperial palace.

Cheng Bi Yu didn't miss these walls at all. Behind these walls were filled with schemes and death around every corner.

"Chen Guangzhou," lovingly helped her down from the carriage breathing in the air. "Come-" he intertwined their hands entering the gates.

Cheng Bi Yu hadn't even entered her courtyard for a minute when Eunuch Zheng Hou rushed over, "This Eunuch brings a edict from His Majesty," he opened the gold tripped scroll his thick voice reciting, "His Majesty has bestowed the title of Lady Virtue to concubine Bao Chen Guangzhou for her virtuous heart,"

Eunuch Zheng Hou continued to recite, "-In addition his Majesty has gifted twelve trunks of silk, three trunks of gold and two trunks of jewelry...Accept the Edict-" he bowed stretching forward his hands.

Cheng Bi Yu stood flabbergasted Li Zi Hao who stood obediently beside her gently nudged her side. Cheng Bi Yu's slender hands quickly accepts the edict she then respectively bowed  "This concubine accepts His Majesty's generosity!-"

Eunuch Zheng Hou signals for the men to come forward they placed the trunks before her not even two minutes after Eunuch Zheng Hou left, Lady Xia, the Empress's head servant  comes forward, "-The Empress requests concubine Bao Chen Guangzhou's presence,"

Li Zi Hao tightly squeezed down on her hand feeling something was amidst. Cheng Bi Yu gave the worried youth an assuring smile.

Cheng Bi Yu eyes dart to Ah Lam, "-Take these inside," she turned to Ah Kum, "-Follow behind," Lady Xia led the way Cheng Bi Yu felt an eerie feeling.

Empress Li Chang Chang clawed in gold robes sat on her gold seat.

"-Bao Chen Guangzhou greets Her Majesty," Cheng Bi Yu respectively bowed. The arrogant Empress flicks her wrist gesturing the blue robed girl to sit.

Lady Xia prepared tea and sweet delicacies for the two, "-May this concubine ask why this one was suddenly summoned?-"

Empress Li Chang Chang's sharp eyes narrowed, "-Does Concubine Bao not like the tea prepared by Lady Xia?..."

Cheng Bi Yu suspiciously eyed the tea, "-This concubine's just not feeling thirsty. Chen Guangzhou hopes Royal mother can forgive this one's ignorance..."

The sharp eyed Empress Li Chang Chang places down her cup a dangerous smile forming on her painted red lips, "-This one has heard Concubine Bao has been greatly rewarded by the title Lady Virtue by His Majesty. Chen Guangzhou must be celebrating-"

"-Chen Guangzhou is honored by His Majesty's generosity." Cheng Bi Yu  momentarily lowered her head, "Though this one feels this one is unworthy of such a honorable title-"

Empress Li Chang Chang snorts, "No need to be so modest you should gloat. Such a title given to a low born concubine, it isn't something to take lightly-"

Cheng Bi Yu smirked her eyes sharp, "-Chen Guangzhou will heed to Royal mother's advice..."

"-Lady Xia!..." Empress Li Chang Chang called over her prized servant. The mid aged pegged leg woman bends bringing her hands forward, "-Her Majesty gifts this token to Concubine Bao,"

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