Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.22

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As soon as his Advisor left Zheng Yong sighs looking down at the mess he had created he even caused harm to himself, 'What was I thinking?-' he called  someone to quickly clean up the mess but it was his brain that was in a mess. The scene from earlier replayed over in his head he balled his fist slamming it down on the table.

Cheng Bi Yu arrives back to the two, seeing her dark demeanor they waited for her, "Humph!-" she sat down she cursed under her breath, "That poker face jerk-"

"..Something wrong?-" Mei-Liang voiced sensing that Cheng Bi Yu was disturbed she parts her lips, "..Forget it-" she slumps completely erasing him from her thoughts later on the group decided on a exploration to the city.

Cheng Bi Yu eats her precious dumplings as she walked time to time giving one to Mei-Liang and Zhou Tong who reluctantly accepted it. A huge crowd had gathered, "Come one come all experience a wonderful show!-" looking for entertainment they all gathered around watching the puppet show.

The audience were mostly children but that didn't mean the show didn't deliver in various categories walking through the crowd people had abruptly cleared the way for the raging red carriage coming forth, before Zhou Tong could swoop into action Deng Wu dressed in  his usual robe and a straw hat now held Cheng Bi Yu securely in his arms.

Cheng Bi Yu pries her eyes open, "We meet again Surname Tang-" Deng Wu grins Cheng Bi Yu gaped shocked harshly pushing him she lightly brushed off her robe.

"..Are you okay Master?!-" came Mei-Liang's rushed voice Cheng Bi Yu nods Zhou Tong by her side questions his trained eyes examines Deng Wu scanning over his garment, "Ying Jie do you know this man?..."

"-I have never seen this man in my life-" Cheng Bi Yu lies through her teeth, "..My my your so sure-" Deng Wu slightly narrowed his eyes at her Cheng Bi Yu slightly exclaimed  towards him, 'Shut your mouth if you know what's good for you!' She threatened.

Deng Wu smirked a mischievous glint appeared in his eyes Cheng Bi Yu quickly spoke turning to Mei-Liang and Zhou Tong, "..We should get going Magistrate Zheng must be relaying on our assistance-" before Deng Wu could ruin things she diverts pushing the two unwilling individuals forward.

Distance between them she glances back Deng Wu lips hooked, "..Farewell till next time my prey!-" he shouts sending a flirty wink her way Cheng Bi Yu threatened mimicking the gesture of slitting someone's throat.

"..She still got it-" he chuckled watching her retreating figure disappear in the crowd.

Deng Wu had just been walking past going about his business when he saw a carriage about to run over a shabby looking Young Lord he was just going to leave it be but something pulled him to intervene he sprung into action swooping the lad in his arms, he lowered his gaze he's both overwhelmed and surprised to find it wasn't just some shabby Young Lord but Tang Mu Lan in his arms.

Deng Wu was puzzled at her attire.
When Cheng Bi Yu had pushed him away Deng Wu couldn't deny he felt a strange pang in his heart when the tall armored decked man behind her addressed her as Advisor he was more perplexed.

He thought, 'When had the Court allowed a woman to be an Advisor?-' but seeing her crossdressing rouse he figured others were bamboozled his lips tugged, "..You're one fascinating puzzle-" Deng Wu continues on his way to Tao Lin's.

Zhou Tong found the straw hat pal strange but what was even strange was his Advisor's behavior not wanting to create a stir he ditched his thoughts.

Arriving back to Jiang Court Cheng Bi Yu and the others are mystified to discover the same looking wild red carriage from earlier parked before the court upon seeing the returned group Officer Wang hurriedly informed them, "..Magistrate Zheng calls for your audience in his study immediately,"

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