My Overbearing Ceo- 1.9

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Alerted by the system Cheng Bi Yu exited her room then casually waited by the staircase for her 'dear' female lead. On cue the huge oak doors pushed open, Lee Chao Xing slowly making her way inside.

Lee Chao Xing appearance was dire, the female lead look was concerning,  she looked overly weak. Her usually  glowing pampered skin cracked and dry from beatings and her normally petite figure down to starving levels.

Her tired eyes downcast as Lee Chao Xing weakly made her way upstairs eyeing  the familiar glittered silver shoes she bit her lips looking up coming face to face with Lee Chang Ying.

The female lead blatantly glares at her elder sister.

Cheng Bi Yu lips tugged up into a jeering smirk her freshly done nails tapped against the wooden frame, "Sister....I see that Father has posted your bail," she paused her palm resting flat on the wooden frame, "Or how else could you get out?-"

Lee Chao Xing snaps her face beet red as she discarded her fake persona. The white lotus crumbled, "You! Listen to me you spoiled bitch I know that you deliberately played me so I could get caught!-"

"So you are smart. By the way how was your time in lockup I'm sure you easily got chummy with the other criminal scum,"

Lee Chao Xing turned green her face bloating like a bull frog. The female lead balled her fist her long nails scraping her palm.

Her beady eyes blackened.

Cheng Bi Yu devilishly grinned, "Good. I wondered how long you'd act. It's actually good you're showing  your true colours. Now I don't have to hold myself back anymore. It's great!..." Cheng Bi Yu stretched un-bothered.

Hissing Lee Chao Xing swung her hand black ready to deliver the  mother of all slaps to Lee Chang Ying.
Cheng Bi Yu caught her wrist in a tight grip, "Let go bitch!-" the female lead trashed against her.

"Okay," Cheng Bi Yu released the raging female lead delivering the
Grandmaster of all slaps sending  Lee Chao Xing staggering back a few steps then clumsily falling flat on her butt.

Dumbfounded Lee Chao Xing plastered on her butt just stared at Cheng Bi Yu holding her bruised cheek.

"You've got guts!..." Cheng Bi Yu praised then scrawled at her foe, "Don't think even for a second you could ever slap me because it's my job to do the face slapping around here. And to think you dared to steal my job, pathetic. That's  what you are Lee Chao Xing-" Cheng Bi Yu's clear eyes glared disdainful at the female lead.

Lee Chao Xing was bawling up a storm in this world the crocodile tears were one hundred percent real.

Lee Ran Long  hearing this upon entry to his home dashed upstairs to his precious Lee Chao Xing's rescue an idea sparked in the female lead's head,  "Father please forgive big sister she didn't mean to push Xing'er. Please forgive her-" Lee Chao Xing trembling voice wept.

The female lead was evilly laughing inside, 'Daddy punish this slut for slapping my beautiful face!'

Lee Ran Long witnessing Lee Chao Xing's state pointed an accusing finger towards Lee Chang Ying his tone harsh as he rashly spoke, "You ungrateful brat!....How dare you hit your sister! Have you gone muddled headed you brat! Hurry up, apologize to Xing'er!-"

Cheng Bi Yu tilts her head briefly  coming to realization, "I see. Lee Chao Xing gets her pig brains from you, isn't it Lee Ran Long. You're both pig brains,"

"You insolent brat!-" Lee Ran Long shouts as his finger violently shook. Cheng Bi Yu's eyes narrowed, "I suggest you drop that finger if you're  still keen on using it in the future,"

Transmigration:  Face slap the white lotusWhere stories live. Discover now