Coffee to go - 3.2

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Priyanka leans back on the wall prompt up by her leg, "Bro I know she's your sister but damn the girl got issues have your parents ever thought of sending her to a psychiatric know the place for crazies-"

Cheng Bi Yu flings her bag over her shoulders, "Ready to go?-"

"Yep!-" Priyanka jumps off the wall as they walked to the bus stop they continue their conversation, "-I'm telling you my sister worked at a place like that once and within two years it was like she was going crazy herself. She quit a day later now she owns a pizza joint-"

Cheng Bi Yu sighed, "-To be frank it doesn't really matter what I think I haven't been in contact with them ever since I left three months ago." She fished her phone from her bag, "-I haven't contacted them and they haven't tried reaching out. Emily has always been the favourite twin and I, the unwanted child who ruined their family. That's how it's always been so there's nothing new to it-"

Priyanka voices, "..No offense but I think your parents are trash how can they just favour one child over the other that's dumpster parenting man that's beyond ridiculous-"

Cheng Bi Yu lips curved, "Well at least I know I have you who will cherish me!-" she playfully latched onto Priyanka's arm.

Priyanka beamed giving a toothy smile, "..Of course girl you're my number one best friend!-"

Priyanka Chopra came from a well off family but she hated flaunting her riches. Priyanka was down to earth, she'd rather give her money to feed starving children than going on needless spend strifes.

The brown skinned, brown eyed, collarbone length black curly haired, 167m woman was doubled in intellect as well as wit and undeniable charisma.

Cheng Bi Yu playfully frowns,"..Aren't I your only best friend?-"

Priyanka laughs, "..Don't frown Emerson or you'll surely get wrinkles-" she teased playfully  squeezing her forehead.

Cheng Bi Yu rolled her eyes, "...Just the thing every girl wants to hear from her best friend..." she smacked away Priyanka's hand, ".. I hope this doesn't work on Teddy?.."

Priyanka flips her hair, "-Girl I got that man wrapped around my fingers-" she demonstrated flashing her fingers.

Cheng Bi Yu snorts, "-Poor Teddy!..." looking ahead behind Priyanka the lime green bus was approaching.  Cheng Bi Yu quickly snatched her matron card from her pouch she stepped forth holding out her hand the bus stops before them the fiber optic glass automatic doors pushed open.

A woman in a thick fur tiger yellow coat and a short black leather skirt stepped out hoisting up her guitar case on her shoulder.

Side stepping the woman they boarded offering the surprisingly  kind driver a sincere smile. Cheng Bi Yu stepped forward her eyes scanning for empty seats, just near the back they spotted two rows of empty seats.

Priyanka nudged Cheng Bi Yu's shoulders,"So bestie you have any guy you've taken a liking to?-"

Cheng Bi Yu smiled poking Priyanka's shoulder, "..Wouldn't you like to know-"

Priyanka almost jumps out of her seat, "..You little daredevil! You do don't you? I can't believe you haven't told me!-" she exclaims rather loudly causing some passengers to look at her crazily some even went to shooing them.

"...Oh you old geezers shoo yourselves don't you see I'm talking to my best friend over here-" Priyanka defended mildly holding back.

Cheng Bi Yu playfully scolds, "..You shouldn't talk to elders like that it's seen as disrespectful-"

Priyanka defends herself, "It was them who were being disrespectful this is public transportation after all not a retirement home....." she glanced over to them the elderly passengers avert their squinted eyes from her intense gaze.

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