Coffee to go - 3.4

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Many of the viewers were stunned, some astonished and most shook their heads in disbelief and disgust. Nathalie's little stunt was now in the open stirring an uproar among other customers.

"-What a vile woman! She dares to bully a employee!"

"-Must have been the wrong upbringing. How could someone think to do that to someone else absolutely shameless!..."

"-If I were her parents I would've buried myself alive! She caused such a scene and she was in the wrong. She is truly a vile person...."

All eyes were on her now and not in the way she wanted Nathalie shifts uncomfortable in her seat, "So now that the evidence is out in the open do you dare to deny your intentions?..." Carter questions his eyes narrowed.

Nathalie shifted uncomfortably in her chair as many scrutinizing gazes aimed at her," Fine!-" she huffs getting up to leave, "Also I would appreciate it if you did not come around anymore to harass my employee or the cops will be called the next time," Nathalie had turned around glaring at Cheng Bi Yu as Carter mouthed these words.

"Your coffee's not that good anyway!-" she exclaimed and left. Carter then turned his attention to Emerson,"Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?..." he asks concerned his eyes softened.

The tight-lipped Cheng Bi Yu just shook her head, "Are you positive you're okay cause if not you could have the rest of your shift off..." Carter was suggesting he couldn't allow his injured employee to work.

Cheng Bi Yu  gives a faint smile, "I'm okay sir no need to worry and thank you for your help earlier I really appreciate it.." she slightly bowed, "..I better get back to work now,"

Cheng Bi Yu left but as soon as she reached Priyanka had yanked her by the arm into the back room, "Are you okay girl?..." she asked as she circles Cheng Bi Yu her worried eyes examining for injuries.

Cheng Bi Yu smiled, "..I'm fine Priyanka no need to go all Mama bear on me!.." she laughs upon seeing Priyanka pout.

Priyanka then playfully slaps her arm, "...Stop playing Emerson I was seriously ready to karate chop her ass if boss hadn't intervened-" she boldly proclaimed.

"...And when did you learn karate?" Cheng Bi Yu asks curiously.

"When I was nine but I still remember how to whip some ass," Priyanka did some karate chop actions to prove her point. Cheng Bi Yu couldn't hold back her laugher,"...I got a black belt okay-" Priyanka went on proving her point further but Cheng Bi Yu still laughed.

How could she not? Priyanka attempted to put on a mean face but to Cheng Bi Yu she looked like a cute bunny. "..Oh so cute.." Cheng Bi Yu teased pinching the brown girl's cheek.

Priyanka went on,"...I was ready to karate chop her in the head but then I also didn't want to damage the one percent brain cell she has or else she'll be completely brain dead,"

"..That's very considerate of you.." Cheng Bi Yu laughed her best friend had such a generous heart. Her lips thinned, "..Well she's not the only one I know quite a few-"

Cheng Bi Yu momentarily turned her head spotting the unpleasant female lead heading their way. Cheng Bi Yu face stiffened,  "..Look here she comes right now-"

Emily walked up to them stopping before Cheng Bi Yu, "..I heard that Nathalie harassed you. Are you okay?.." the pretentious female lead asked.

Cheng Bi Yu's lip thinned, "..I'm quite fine thank you for your concern. I'm quite touched-" Cheng Bi Yu faintly smiled touching her chest, "For the first time my sister cares.."

Emily pursed her lips, "..No it's not like that. You know how much I love sister!.." she made a declaration.

Priyanka rolls her eyes then interjected,"...I'm actually sick of your fake concern towards your sister your concern is faker than my cousin's gold tooth-" she then went further to say,"But you said you heard what happened," Emily nods acknowledging,"...Yes I heard it from the girls.."

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