Z'Nation; A Tale of Rotton Flesh- 5.2

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"Monsters aren't all mutated most times they're humans-"


"What happened?!-" Joshua questions his brows pronominally arched as he  helped shift the hades blue-haired man to the bed. "..We were cornered and one of those things almost took Barry's leg clean off,"

Cheng Bi Yu leaves not wanting Aiko more traumatized than she already was heading back in the same direction as before she spots Sadie eating a burrito acknowledging them she removed the meaty wrap from her lips, "So is everything all good?-" she referred to their medical assessment.

"We're in tiptop shape-" Cheng Bi Yu proudly exclaimed the shy Aiko blushed embarrassed that her stomach made a loud rumble. Sadie lighthearted chuckles, "..Luckily for
you there's more where that came from, Come-"

Aiko slyly peered at Cheng Bi Yu for approval, "..Go ahead sport-" she cutely ruffled her bangs Aiko smiles hurriedly sitting beside Sadie happily eating her spicy burrito.

"...There's one more if your interested-" Cheng Bi Yu accepts the invitation with ease also sitting by their side,"Are you sure you're finished you've only had two bites?-" Sadie asked concerned looking at the barely eaten burrito, "...You don't have to feel bad eat up I can always make one more,"

Knowing well the youth's intention Cheng Bi Yu signed, "..Eat up I'll leave a piece of mine for Pong-" Aiko proceeds eating.

Cheng Bi Yu sighting Sadie goes to approach but stilled noticing a stranger by her side, "..You need to stop doing this it's getting annoying. We don't know these people how can we trust them?-"

"Do you know how ridiculous you're being right now-!-" Sadie scoffs, " Being a doctor don't you have lives to save? Why are you here lecturing me instead?-"

"Whatever," Ruby dramatically drops her arm peering past Sadie the corner of her mouth creased her savage, penetrating gaze cruelly dissatisfied bore into Cheng Bi Yu, "Humph-" she leaves.

Joshua straightened his azure gaze peering down at her, "You're new here so I'll let you in on the drift-" his eyes slanted, "..Everyone here has a unique set of skills needed for survival. What can you bring to the table?-" everyone looks on in curiosity and anticipation as the punk teenager picks up a blade.

Cheng Bi Yu unnerved glides her fingertips over the sharp edge sinisterly smirking she throws the blade soaring through the air with immerse speed it swished mere inches past Ruby's face slicing small strands of her oily black locks lodging into the pillar.

"Oops! My bad!-" Cheng Bi Yu lips curled satisfied.

Ruby gasped her trembling palm reaches for her face, "You crazy bitch!-" she roars her heart rate skyrocketing.

"It takes one to know one-" Cheng Bi Yu beams thrilled pulling the blade  out of the pillar, "..I'm good with knives and guns. I'll be a good addition to the team if you'll have me?-" she directed her attention to the attentive Joshua, "Very well then," he exclaims.

"Come along," Cheng Bi Yu outstretched her hand to Aiko, "New girl!-" Ambrose calls out, "..We met earlier I'm the guy who hauled in Barry-"

Aiko tugs her sleeve gesturing towards her mouth, "Hungry?-" Cheng Bi Yu relates the youth nods she looks to Ambrose, "..I have to go now but see you around,"

"Yeah see you around," Ambrose awkwardly scratched the back of his neck watching her disappearing figure.

Ruby hungry makes her way to the kitchen switching on the lights just in time she witnesses Aiko hunched on the ground feeding Pong angry her jaw ticks as she rashly approached the unsuspecting girl from behind.

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