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“Mom? Who is she?” Sunny asked.
She found an old photograph in her Mom’s old box that she’s not allowed to open. But since they’ve been busy unpacking their things since they just arrived to their new house, her Mom didn’t noticed what she was doing.
It was an old shoe box with papers inside. Some are letters, some are magazine cut outs and some are Polaroid pictures. But on top of everything is a picture of her Mom in her younger years with a beautiful blonde woman whom she never met. Her Mom looks happy on the said photo. The kind of happiness she rarely saw on her.
“Sunny…” Jisoo saw her with her box.

“What did I told you about that box?” she put down the clothes she’s folding and sat beside the kid holding on the photo but Sunny looks like she really doesn’t care if she’ll be scolded for what she did. She’s still waiting for an answer.
Jisoo grabbed the photo on her child’s hand and stared at it for a moment. A sweet smile slightly curving on her lips when memories came rushing to her.
Sometimes it’s amazing how a single photograph can hold thousands of memories. Or maybe it’s the person in the photo that holds a lot of memories.
“Who is she Mom?” Sunny asked again that brought Jisoo back to the present.

“A friend.” She smiled.

“A very special friend.” Jisoo picked up her daughter and sat her on her lap.

“Isn’t she beautiful?” she asked.

“Yeah, she’s really beautiful Mom. She looks like a Barbie doll.” Sunny praising the said woman.

“Only her? How about me?”

“Of course you’re beautiful Mom! You’re the most beautiful woman in the universe!” the kid extending her arms wide.

“No baby, you are the most beautiful!” she gave Sunny sweet kisses on her cheeks and she giggled.

“We’re both beautiful because we’re look alike!” she laughed at how witty her daughter is.

“Does Auntie Lisa know her?” Sunny going back to the picture.

“Yes she does.” She answered before putting back the photo inside the box and closing it.

“And speaking of Auntie Lisa, she’ll be coming over tonight so, we better get going so I can cook us some delicious dinner.” Sunny excitedly stood up from her lap and ran to her room to unpack her own bag. And just like that, Sunny let go of the topic. How she wished she could do the same and just pretend that the box in her hand does not exist. But it does. She opened the empty bottom drawer of her night stand and put the box inside to keep it safe but still close to her.

Jisoo was busy preparing the table while Sunny was watching her favorite movie when a car pulls up on their drive way.
“Sunny, I think you would want to open the door.” She smiled at her daughter and Sunny immediately pause the movie and ran at the door.

“Auntie!” She screamed at the top of her lungs the moment she opened the door and saw her Auntie Lisa walking towards their door. She ran towards her and jumped, squealing with so much excitement.

“Calm down rabbit!” Lisa jacked up the jumpy kid on her arms to carry her properly. She is certain Jisoo will kill her if she dropped the kid.

“I miss you Auntie!” Sunny showered her with kisses as she carefully walks towards the door.

“I miss you too. But you have to stop that or else we’ll fall.” The kid obliged and wrapped her arms around her shoulder as they went inside the house. She immediately put Sunny down after closing the door with her foot.

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