Eight ⚠️⚠️⚠️

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Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo immediately felt relieved after seeing Rosé's car in the parking lot of their old dorm. It’s almost midnight and all they pray is that Rosé is okay, or at the least, safe.

“I’ll just stay here.” Jisoo said.

“Chu, it’s about time you face her.” Jennie in the passenger seat, reached for her hand.

“I can’t…”

“It’s not about whether you can or not, it’s about what should be done.” Lisa forced her to get out of the car and come with them.

Walking in the same hallway they’ve walked for many years feels strange for the three. Since they’ve separated ways, this is the only time they’ll visit the old dorm.

Lisa unlocked the door and they were surprised to see that it’s clean. They expected it to be dusty since it’s been seven years since they abandoned the place where most of their happy memories were created. Obviously someone is maintaining the place, and they knew it was Rosé.

Lisa proceeded to Jisoo’s old room and unlocked the door. And there’s Rosé lying on their old bed. Curled up into a ball, like a child being afraid to be hurt.

“Oh God Park Chaeyoung! You would kill all of us.” Lisa exclaimed and sat beside Rosé that woke up the latter.

“Chaeng why did you leave without telling anyone where you will go. You got us worried sick for you.” Rosé sat up while Jennie was speaking and all of her strength was drained out of her system the moment she saw the one standing in the door, behind Jennie.

Lisa and Jennie shared a concerned look upon noticing Rosé’s reaction.

Rosé’s tears started running down her cheeks again as she stare at Jisoo with her puffy eyes.

She wanted to hit her. She wanted to shout at her. She wanted to ask her questions but nothing came out. All the feelings she’s dealing at the moment got her physically weak to move or even speak.

The silence was deafening.

“We’ll leave the two of you.” Lisa stood up to leave to give the two the time and the space they need. But Rosé stopped her.
“No. No one’s gonna leave.”

“But Chaeng you two have to talk. We’ll just be outside.” Lisa tried but Rosé insisted.

“Whatever she has to say, whatever explanation she got, Jennie has to hear it too. And I want to make sure what she’ll say is the same thing she said to you.” Rosé never removed her gaze at the woman she longed to see for seven years. But it’s not because she admires her but because she wanted Jisoo to look at her and see what she’s done.

“This is not the right time Chaeng. Not with you in this state.” Jisoo was about to leave but Rosé spoke before she can even move.

“No! You won’t leave! Not again!” Rosé voice was full of anger.

“You won’t leave me hanging again with questions that haunt me every night. You’re not ready? Do you think I was ready when you fucking disappeared? Do you think I was ready when you suddenly showed up? With a six year old kid? Do you think I’m ready to face you now? But it’s not about being ready anymore. It’s about whether you want to do it or not. Cause if you don’t do it tonight, then don’t bother to do it at all.”

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