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“Nini…” Lisa trying to wake Jennie up.

It’s been six months since they started dating and Jennie has been staying with her since she is on hiatus again.

“Baby…” she tried again. Jennie just hummed in response.

“Good morning my Baby. We should get up.” She said while placing feathery kisses on Jennie’s forehead.

“Why? I thought you don’t have work today? You promised me you’ll take me out on a date.” Jennie groans in protest.

She’s been a little too busy lately since she just opened another photo studio outside Seoul and her little dumpling is missing her a little too much that’s why she took few days off to take her out before her comeback that will surely take the dumpling away from her.

“Yeah, I don’t have work and we’ll go out on a date. But we have to get up now.”

“Why? Did you prepare a breakfast date?”

“Hell nah.” She hates morning. They both hate early mornings.

“Why then? I’m still sleepy.” Jennie protested and snuggled closer to her. Her face on Lisa’s neck.

Lisa sighed and whispered directly on her ears.

“Because with your lips brushing on my neck, and your legs, between my thighs, pressing directly to my core, you’re making me absolutely horny right now.”

“Lalisa!” Jennie slightly pulled away.

“I’m just telling the truth! And considering how sexually frustrated I am, I swear I have an almost zero self control today. So we have to get up. Or else you’ll be screaming and moaning until everyone in Seoul wonders what am I doing to you and why are you calling my name over and over and over again.”

Despite sleeping on the same bed and almost living together, they’ve never gone that far when it comes to intimacy. Jennie isn’t ready for it and Lisa respects her even if she’s been on the edge lately especially when she sleeps like this. Wearing only a sports bra and a short satin shorts. This is actually the longest that she’s never had sex since she became active.

“Oh God you’re such a horny teenager.”

“I am horny, yes. Extremely actually. But I swear to God my skills in bed cannot be compared to any teenagers. So before I lose all my sanity, let’s get up. I need a cold shower.” Lisa was about to get up but Jennie held her even tighter.

“No.” she even purposely moved her leg caught in between Lisa’s thighs, making the latter’s breath hitched. And brought her face back on Lisa’s neck where she’s pretty sure Lisa could feel her soft lips and hot breath.

“Oh my God Nini. You’re such a tease.”

Jennie just laughed at her and feeling her giggle against her skin doesn’t help with her current struggle.
“And you’re enjoying teasing me huh?”

“Yeah. I love seeing you frustrated.”

Knowing she cannot do anything about it, a plan came to her mind. She wrapped Jennie tightly in her arms and whispered.

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