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Almost a week after the news broke out, breaking the internet and breaking hearts, Rosé and Jennie is still not talking to Lisa.
Lisa on the other hand, is avoiding going to Jisoo’s house in order to avoid getting netizens and press people to find her. It may be an exclusive village but they want to be extra cautious for Sunny’s safety and privacy.
She’s been staying at home since then. She knew she will be asked a lot about Jisoo and she doesn’t want to deal with people trying to keep their noses on someone else’s business. And she actually hasn’t been in the mood to party or get laid since then. She’d rather get drunk all by herself in her huge penthouse unit. It’s sad, but when you’re emotionally exhausted, the last thing you would want is some meaningless interaction from people who doesn’t actually give a fuck about you.

It’s past midnight and Lisa is already sleeping when her doorbell didn’t stopped ringing followed by loud banging on her door. She picked up her oversized baseball polo on the floor and put it on top of her sports bra and grey sweat pants.
“Wait the fuck up!” she shouted from her room hoping she’ll be heard by whoever is in her door. And the ringing stopped but only for a moment.
She then picked up her baseball bat, ready to hit this bastard who wakes her up from deep slumber. She’s rummaging through her brain if she drunk texted someone and gave her address, explaining this rude interruption but she’s pretty sure she didn’t.
The banging keeps on getting louder as she approached the door. Irritated, she opened the door without looking at the peak hole.
“What the fu –" she was surprised to see Jennie in front of her.

“Nini? What are you doing here?” she asked Jennie who looks tinier on her huge coat and a black beanie.

“Can we drink?” She asked holding out a bottle of Jack Daniels. Lisa noticed her flushed cheeks.

“Are you drunk?” she asked while dragging her inside, throwing away the bat and locking her door.

“Did you drive here drunk?” she asked again.

“No, I’m not drunk.”

“Nini, you’re cheeks are flushed. You’ve definitely had a drink. C’mon, where are your keys? I’ll drive you home.” But instead of the key, Jennie handed her the bottle of Jack Daniels and removed her beanie and coat, revealing a white crop and a black sweat pants.

“Let’s drink.”

She sighed in defeat as the short legged Korean make herself comfortable in her couch.

She got glasses and some ice in her fridge and went back to her couch and sat beside Jennie.

“I thought you’re mad at me?” She chuckled while putting ice in their glasses and pouring some liquor.

“I am.”

“What are doing here then?” she asked, handing her a glass.

“I want to drink.”

“You obviously had a drink already.”

“It’s sad to drink all by yourself you know?”

“Really? I kinda enjoyed my drinking session with myself earlier.”

“You already had a drink?”

“Yeah. That’s why I’m in deep sleep and ready to hit the one banging on my door.”

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