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“Damn woman. You look like shit!” Lisa exclaimed and almost spitting her black iced coffee upon seeing her best friend.

“Good morning to you too.” Rosé entered her dressing room wearing a peach sweatpants and a black hoodie, paired with a YSL shades. Her hair was on a messy bun.

“What the fuck happened to you? Bro you look like a zombie freshly out of your grave.”

“Oh my God. I was so wasted last night.” She slumped beside Lisa on the couch after her assistant have put down all her things.

“Yeah, I kinda get that from how dead you look right now. Care to tell me what actually happened?”

“Ashley and the rest of the gang showed up at my condo. They are on the way to a party. I said I couldn’t join them because I have an early day today.” Rosé removed her sunglasses but kept her eyes closed while her head thrown back on the couch as she massages her temple.

“So they partied in your unit?”


“And you drink knowing you have a scheduled photo shoot today?”

“I said I’ll drink just enough for me to have a good sleep.”

“And how much did you actually drink?”

“Fuck. I don’t even know!” She hissed and Lisa laughed at her shaking her head.

“I don’t even remember they left! I just woke up at my tub because my phone in the sink kept on ringing and my driver and assistant is waiting for me already.”

“You know you have an early shoot today and you drink? Why would you do that?”

“Because I know my best friend is my photographer today! I thought it’ll be okay to drink since I won’t do a lot of work with you since you know all my best angles. I didn’t plan to be that wasted.”

“Oh no. Very unprofessional of you Chaeyoung.”

“Oh fuck off Manoban.”

“I’m very disappointed.” Lisa shaking her head while chewing on her straw.

“Shut up. I know you can still capture the best photos compared to some overrated and overly paid photographer that other companies get.”

“Thanks for the compliment but Bro, I’m a photographer. I am not connected in any way to Harry Potter or Draco Malfoy. I cannot do wizardry shit on that hung over face of yours.”

“Fuck you!” She grabbed the coffee out of Lisa’s hand and removed its lid to drink.

“Hey! That’s mine!” Lisa tried to grab back her coffee but she was able to put her other hand straight to her face and pushed her back to create separation.

“You’re annoyingly happy today. What’s up?” She asked after handing back the almost empty cup to Lisa.

“Nothing. I’m just happy. Is there anything wrong with that?”

“Everything. Everything is wrong with that.”

“Oh c’mon!”

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