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“Mom? Where are we?” Sunny asked.
They’ve been sitting inside the car for about 30 minutes now. Jisoo on the driver’s seat, Sunny on the back. Jisoo nervously kept on fidgeting on her seat, while staring at her phone as if waiting for someone to call.
“Mom? Are you okay?” Sunny asked again.

“Yes sweetie. Mommy’s fine.” She smiled at her through the rear view mirror. Sunny who is starting to feel a little bored, started looking around the place through her window, trying to observe the place. They haven’t been able to go around since they arrived because her Mom keeps on denying her request to. This is actually the first time they went out but here they are, sitting in the car.
“Hello?” Jisoo answering her phone.

“Where are you?”

“Few blocks away.” She said.

“Really? You’re early.”

“We’ve been here for 30 minutes already.”

“Oh, you’re super early. Come on here. We’re waiting for you.”

“Okay.” Jisoo hung up the call and take few deep breaths before driving. She could feel her heart loudly thumping against her chest. Her throat is dry and her palms sweating.
Just a few minutes, they’ve arrived to an open tall wooden gate with a maple finish. It has a huge backyard, lighted up with fairy lights. Jisoo heard Sunny let out an amused gasp.
“Whose house is this Mom? It’s beautiful. And it’s huge!”

She pulled up in front of the main door and a chauffeur opened the door for her and Sunny. She fixed her little black dress and her black wavy hair before brushing off some creases on Sunny’s lavender dress, and fixing some loose hair and tucking them behind her ear. Once the car drove off, she held tight on Sunny’s little hands, facing the huge carved door. She was about to walk towards it when it opened. She froze on her spot and she could feel her knees buckle up upon seeing the people behind the door.
Memories of her last encounter with them, flashed right before her eyes.


Who? Tell us who the father is?” Teddy is fuming, not even his wife could calm him down after finding out her youngest daughter’s pregnancy.

Jisoo kept her head down as her tears kept on falling. Jiho stayed beside her, trying to pacify her.

“Why can’t you tell us? Don’t you know who the hell got you pregnant?” He asked again. His voice echoing around the study room and his anger piercing through every wall.

“We didn’t allow you to pursue your dreams just for you to get pregnant by some random guys. Have you lost respect for yourself Kim Jisoo?” Disappointment joins the air as he spits out his words.

“Tell us sweetheart, who is he?” Mina, whose eyes are drenched in fear and tears asked once again but Jisoo kept silent, something that no one in the room could understand except from her.

“You really don’t want to tell us don’t you?” a hint of surrender is evident on Teddy’s voice as he breathes out heavy breaths.

“Fine. If you’re not going to tell us, then forget about your family. Forget that you have a family here.” Everyone was surprised with what her father just said.

“You want to go to US and hide there? Go ahead. Go ahead and hide that bastard and don’t drag our family name to this scandal you made. And expect nothing from us. Don’t expect us to save you from this. You made this mess? You get out of it all by yourself. I will never accept your child. And I don’t want to see you ever again.” Teddy walked towards the door but stopped himself to face her daughter once more.

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