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Everything takes time. A meal takes minutes, some even hours to prepare. A college degree requires years to finish. A building takes weeks or months to be built. Wine takes years to aged. Wounds take time to heal. And truth demands time to be processed.

More than a month has passed and Jisoo still haven’t heard from Rosé. She can’t blame her though. Her truth is probably the hardest pill to swallow. And she doesn’t want to rush or pressure Rosé. She wants her to take her time and digest everything on her own phase and she’s willing to wait for her to be ready to face her again even if it takes months, years or even decades.
“Auntie Lisa!” Sunny squealed upon hearing the doorbell ring. She’s waiting for her aunties to come since they promised that they’ll visit her today.

“Wait Sunny!” Jisoo tried to stop Sunny but she’s fast to the door.
“Auntie -- Barbie?” Sunny tilted her head to the side trying to figure out if it’s really Barbie.

“Chaeng?” Jisoo was surprised to see the tall blonde Korean at her door.

“Barbie? Is that my nickname here?” Rosé asked Sunny and smiled at her. Sunny smiled back.
“Come in. Have seat.” Despite being surprised, Jisoo managed to compose herself in front of the unexpected visitor.

“Sweetie can you accompany her for a while? I’ll just get some tea for us.”

“Okay Mommy.” Sunny obliged and sat on the couch adjacent to where her Mom’s special friend is.

“Hi! What’s your name?” Rosé asked the kid who’s looking at her intently, as if memorizing her face.

“I’m Sunny.”

“Sunny. Nice name. Do you remember me? We saw each other in the salon few months ago.”

“Yes I remember you. You’re also Mommy’s special friend and the one dressed as Anna on the video Auntie Lisa showed me.”

“Oh you saw that video.”

“Yeah. It was funny.”

“Yeah it was. But why do you call me Barbie?”

“Because I saw a photo of you and Mom in her old box. She told me never to open it but I did.” Sunny whispered her last sentence that made Rosé laugh. It somehow reminds her how naughty Jisoo could be at times. They got the exact same naughty giggle.

“And your Mom said I’m Barbie?”

“No. I said you look like a Barbie. That’s why I call you Barbie.”

“Wow! Thank you. But as much as I love being called Barbie cause it makes me prettier, I think I’ll like it better if you’ll call me Auntie Chaeng.”

“Auntie Chaeng? Aren’t you Rosé? The famous singer? And the other member with Mom in their old group?”

“Oh, yeah. But I prefer to be called by my real name by the people close to me. My real name is Park Chaeyoung. Don’t tell anyone.”

“Okay. I’ll keep it a secret.” And there is the naughty giggle again.

“I have a gift for you but I left it in the car. I’ll get it later okay?”

“Okay. I will wait.”

“But someone told me, you like frozen. Is that right?” it was Jennie.


“I think you’ll like my gift for you.”

“I’m excited!” Sunny jumping around the table like the rabbit that she is.

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