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Alice woke up with the sound of the keyboards coming from Rosé’s room. She hasn’t heard her play or sing since they found out that Jisoo is back. She wonders what’s in today’s air that made her sister wake up early and play some music. Or maybe it’s not in the air. Maybe it’s about her talk with her friends few nights ago that Alice hasn’t asked her about.

She went to Rosé’s room to check on her and she found her lost in her own world that she didn’t even notice her coming in and sitting on the bed, just behind Rosé. She’s singing Only Exception by Paramore. A song she only sings for Jisoo.

“That’s nice.” She complimented her after finishing the song which startled Rosé.

“You scared me!”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to.” Rosé went back on playing some more chords of it.

“What’s up? It’s been years since the last time I heard you play and sing that song.” She asked.

“Nothing.” Rosé stopped playing but she didn’t look at her, instead she just look outside her window. She knew her sister doesn’t want to talk about it so she changed the topic.

“How’s Lisa?” she asked.

“In love.”

“What? With who?”       

“Jennie.” Rosé said almost laughing and looking at her momentarily.

“Oh really?”

“Surprising isn’t it?” Rosé answered and started playing again. A melody probably she just came up that moment.

“How was your talk with them?”

“It’s fine.”

“Did it help?” Rosé stopped playing but didn’t answer.

“C’mon. I’m not your big sister for nothing.” This time, her younger sister turned around to face her.

“I still don’t know what to do.”

“Are thinking of going back to her?” Rosé just nodded, keeping her gaze on the floor.

“Despite of what she did to you. She cheated on you Chaeyoung.”

“No. She didn’t.”

“Chaeng I know you still love her so damn much but don’t you dare cover up whatever she did to you. Numbers don’t lie. Her daughter’s age says she did cheat on you.”

“No. She didn’t.” it was almost a whisper.

“Then how the hell will you explain the fact that she left pregnant?” Rosé locked eyes on her as her tears escapes her eyes. She read through it and all she can see is pain.

“Don’t tell me she was –" Rosé bowed her head down, sobbing.

“Chaeng tell me it’s not what I think.” She kneeled in front of Rosé to meet her eyes.

“It is. It’s actually worse than what you think.”

“Oh my God.” She backed down, gasping. It’s something she didn’t expect.

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