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A week after staying with Jisoo, Jennie and Lisa decided to go back home to Lisa’s unit. As much as they want to stay with their best friend and be there for her, they also have lives to live and commitments to attend to. They have cancelled several schedules but they have to face reality now. The reality that no matter what they are going through, the world wouldn’t wait for them to adjust. They have to learn to adjust, and go on even if these times have been rough for them and they just want time to stand still in hope that the pain would stop as well.

They’ve tried to check on Rosé for a couple of times but she’s not answering their calls and messages. Alice told them that Rosé went on with her prior commitments and went back on working. Something they considered as good news. At least Rosé isn’t locking herself up in her room. They just hope she’s not working herself to death.
Jennie was cooking dinner when the door bell rang. Lisa didn’t mention that she’s expecting anyone tonight so she opened the front camera to check who is in the door. And to her surprise, it’s Rosé. She immediately opened the door for her.

“Chaeng!” she immediately gave her a hug as if she hasn’t seen her in years.

“Nini? I did not expect you to be here.” Rosé is as surprised as Jennie.

“Where’s Lisa?” Rosé asked as she pulled away from their hug.

“She ran to the groceries to buy some milk. We ran out of it.” She answered while letting Rosé remove her coat and she went back to the kitchen. Rosé followed.

“She’s probably on her way back. That’s if she didn’t lose focus and ended up buying a full cart of groceries and forgetting the milk.” She joked while cooking pasta and making some macaroons.

“You guys are getting serious, aren’t you?” Rosé asked and she just laughed quietly.

“So I was right?” Rosé asked again.

“About what?”

“That you two are just hiding the feelings you’ve got for each other in all the bickering.”

“The bickering is real. Your best friend is annoying as hell.”

“And you’re living with that annoying best friend of ours.”

“I’m used to it. We used to live together.” Jennie shrugged.

“Yes. But it’s the four of us back then. Here, it’s just the two of you. I’m surprised you haven’t killed each other here.”

“Just about to.” Jennie heard Rosé laughed and she’s happy that her best friend can laugh despite what’s going on.

“Is it true?” the blonde asked. Yes she’s back to being blonde.


“That it’s you who initiated it?”

“What?!” she’s both confused and shocked.

“Lisa said you kissed her.”


“You thought I didn’t heard her?”

“Yeah. Cause you never mentioned it that day.”

“I’m still mad at Lisa that time that’s why I didn’t bother to ask about that. And we haven’t got a chance to talk without breaking down and being fucking depressed adults.”

“Yeah right.”

“So, it’s true?”

“Yeah. I did.”

“Oh that’s bold. Why?”


Rosé rolled eyes on her.

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