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Jisoo was waiting for her cinnamon buns in the oven while her and Sunny were watching some of their old music videos. She’s starting to explain to her little by little who she was in Korea. Now that netizens know that she’s back, it’s almost impossible for her to hide the truth to her little girl.

Sunny was asking her a lot of questions when they heard the door bell ringing. Jisoo checked the front camera to see who was at the door and it was Lisa. They were waiting for her since she promised Sunny that she’ll come by today.
“Auntie Lisa is here. Would you like to open the door?”

Without answering, Sunny ran towards the door and opened it up while Jisoo pulled out the cinnamon buns out of the oven. She can hear the two giggling at the front door.

“I want you to meet someone.” She heard Lisa say. She quickly finished transferring the buns to see who’s with Lisa.

“Wanwan!” Sunny exclaimed and to her surprise, she saw Jennie crouching down on her daughter, showing her, her gummy smile.

“Hi. I like Wanwan but you can also call me Auntie Jennie.”

“Hello Auntie Jennie. You look like a cat.” Sunny pointing at her cat eyes.

“Oh, do I?”

“Yeah. And you’re beautiful.”

“Oh wow! Thank you. And because of that, I have I gift for you.”

“Why? It’s not my birthday.” Sunny shyly put her hands in her back.

“Told you, she’s a smart kid.” Lisa chuckled.

“It’s a welcome gift, from me. Someone told me that you love Frozen.”

“Yes yes yes!” the little girl started to jump around.

“Well, I guess you’ll like this one.”

Sunny quickly grab the bag from Jennie with a bright smile on her face. Lisa noticed Jisoo who looks surprised and just standing and watching them.

“Hi Chu.” She greeted and stepped back to let Jennie have a view of Jisoo. And for the first time in seven years, Jisoo was able to stare straight to her cat eyed best friend who gave her a sweet smile while holding on to some of the plush toys she gave Sunny.

“Mom! Your friend is here! She gave me all Frozen characters plush toys!” Sunny exclaimed.

“Did you say thank you sweetie?” Jisoo managed to say without breaking down in tears. That sight is all she ever wished for. For her best friend to finally meet her little sunshine.

“Thank you Auntie Jennie!” Sunny gave Jennie a hug and kissed her on the cheeks.

“We have now Mommy as Queen Elsa, Auntie Lisa as Olaf, and Auntie Jennie as Wanwan! Will Barbie come here too?” Sunny innocently asked.

“Okay, that’s enough of being cute for today. We don’t want to get to that part yet rabbit.” Lisa grabbed Sunny’s hand and her toys, as Jennie stood up.

“Why don’t we get those little stuffed characters to your room?” She carried Sunny on her arms and made their way upstairs.

“Oh God you’re heavy. You’re starting to become piglet now.” Lisa and Sunny, fading into the background.

The two Kims stood there for a moment, not knowing what to do and what to say. Jisoo was just staring at Jennie while the latter kept her head down, staring down the floor.

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