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“Thank God you’re here.” She doesn’t know what came to her mind but she hugged Jisoo from behind and rested her chin on her shoulder. She feels perfectly comfortable being that close to her. And being alone with Jisoo is something she never thought she needed. She’s warm, she’s soft and she gives her the feeling of security no one has ever made her feel. And she’s a great cook.

“You need to learn to cook for yourself.” Jisoo chuckled.

“Why? You’re here.”

“I will not always be here.” She felt her heart clenched in pain with what Jisoo said so she broke the hug and backed away a little.

“You will leave me?” she asked. Jisoo turned to face her, showing her beautiful heart shaped smile.

“No. No, I will never.”

Rosé immediately got lost in Jisoo’s smile but before she knew it, Jisoo returned to what she’s doing.

Since Lisa said that she has a crush on her, the idea of it being true never left her mind and it always brings her feelings she could never explain. She sure have felt attraction towards other people but it’s mostly shallow and just pure admiration and it never made her feel this way. Like thousands of butterflies playing on her stomach. Her heart skips a beat whenever the thought of Jisoo has feelings for her crosses her mind. It keeps her awake at night, but so alive in the morning especially now that it’s just them in the dorm. But at the same time, it pains her thinking that it might not be true and what Lisa said is just a mere tease.

There’s only one way to find out. Ask.

“Chu, can I ask you something?” she started and Jisoo just hummed in response as all her attention was in the chicken she’s frying. She suddenly forgot how to speak as fear starts to creep in. Once she ask this question that’s been lingering in her mind, there’s no turning back. She might get the answer that she likes or she might get hurt by the truth. But she can’t go on and live another day not knowing the answer. She’ll go mad if she doesn’t get the facts straight.

“What is it?” Jisoo asked and glanced at her momentarily.

“I don’t know if you remember but Lisa teased you about something a few weeks ago.”

“Lisa basically teases me with everything. Be a little more specific.”

“When Lisa said you have a crush on me.” She saw how Jisoo froze with what she said.

“I just want to know if that is true?” Jisoo kept silent.

“I just couldn’t get it off my mind since I heard that. I just felt like I need to know whether it’s true. Or not.” She tried to explain.

“I uhm- I- Uhm- It’s-“ she turned Jisoo towards her upon seeing her struggling to find an answer and there she saw that tinted cheeks again. Jisoo looked down trying to hide it which she finds cute.

“That’s the same blush you wore when Lisa teased you isn’t it?” she lifted Jisoo’s face.

“Is it true?” she asked again. Jisoo was about to step back but she grab her by the waist and pulled her closer to her.

“Don’t. You’ll burn yourself.” She’s now lost into whatever she’s feeling. Somehow, the way Jisoo reacted with her question confirmed everything.

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