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Starting over again is just as hard as starting from nothing. Actually, it’s a bit harder.
The fear doubles. You cannot help but think of the possibility of the things that happened in the past might happen all over again. Leaving you hurt and broken once again.
The doubt lingers. Making you think twice every now and then. Afraid that one day, you might wake up and she’s gone. Again.
Patience will be tested. Always. If a year can change a lot, imagine what seven years could do. And adjusting to all the changes isn’t as easy as you think that sometimes, it drains everything in you.
But, despite the struggle, you just keep on going. Little by little, step by step. No matter how small it might be, it has a huge effect on your current situation as long as you keep on moving forward. So you keep on moving, taking those little steps and doing your best to make things work. To make the most important part of your life work. Again.

After a few weeks of getting back together, Rosé has spent more time in Jisoo’s house than in her own unit. She’s trying to make the most out of her not so tight schedule before her much awaited comeback. They’ve been binge watching movies and series that were shown the past seven years as they try to make up for lost time. They’ve been playing video games together but it seems like the gamer in them is no match to the little gamer Sunny who just keeps on beating them at any game they play. They cook and bake together now. Of course with the help of their little sue chef.
Sunny has been fond of Rosé’s presence in their house since they share the same love for Disney princesses and she enjoys playing with her and making art and music with her Auntie Chaeng. Rosé even takes the little girl out occasionally especially when she’s having her little tantrums. They go to malls and theme parks together. Sometimes with Lisa or Jennie or both but most of the time, just the two of them and Rosé would buy her anything that she wants then treats her for an ice cream. Something that Jisoo doesn’t agree with but cannot do anything about it. She is still yet to find courage to be seen in public again especially with her daughter. She’s not ashamed of her she just doesn’t want her to be media’s newest prey.

“Mommy! Look what Auntie Chaeng bought me!” Sunny rushing to her Mom in the kitchen preparing dinner for the three of them while Rosé closes the front door and putting down the shopping bags on the couch.
“Did you say thank you to Auntie Chaeng?” Jisoo asked upon seeing her daughter’s new camera.

“Yes Mom! I’ll take a picture of you.” She smiled at her daughter as she points the camera to her.

“Change clothes sweetie. Dinner is almost ready.” Sunny quickly ran upstairs as Rosé appeared on the kitchen.

“Careful.” Rosé reminded Sunny before walking towards Jisoo who’s raising her brow on the taller Korean.

“That’s expensive Baby. How much is that camera?” Jisoo asked.

“It’s not that expensive Baby.” She gave her a quick kiss before standing beside Jisoo, tucking some loose strands of hair behind her ear.


“I swear.” She said holding up her right hand in the air.

“That’s the same thing you said about the guitar and the keyboard.”

“I bought you a new gaming keyboard and headphones.” She hugged her from behind. This trick should work.

“Park Chaeyoung…” But it didn’t.

“I’m just gonna change.” Knowing she’s in big trouble for spoiling Sunny again, she quickly ran upstairs to avoid being scolded by her girlfriend.

“Hey! Come back here!” Jisoo called her but she just laughed at her and didn’t look back. She’ll be damned later. But it’s okay especially when she remembers how happy Sunny is. She’s worth the scolding.

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