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“I’m sorry Ms. Lisa. There’s an unfortunate incident with the photographer while he’s on the way here. We were last to know about it that’s why we weren’t able to send you a notice earlier.” One of the staff came up to her and advised her regarding the cancellation of their photo shoot.

“No, it’s okay. How is he by the way?” she asked.

“His family said he’s not in a good condition right now. It was a very tragic accident.”

“I hope he gets through it. Can you just send me the name of the hospital? I want to send something for the family.”

“Okay Ms. Lisa.”

She was supposed to have a photoshoot for the latest collection of Bvlgari but the photographer got into a tragic accident. She’s not happy with what happen especially she’s been working with the said photographer for quite some time already and he’s really good. But she’s happy she can sleep all day without anyone interrupting her. It’ll be just her and Jisoo in the dorm. And most likely, Jisoo will just sleep or play the whole day.

The moment she stepped into the dorm, she immediately heard someone sobbing. If she doesn’t know Jisoo is home, she’ll probably run for her life and never go back. She checked on her friend in her room only to see her packing her things while crying.

“What is going on here?” she asked and shock was written all over Jisoo’s face as she wipes away her tears in attempt to hide it to Lisa.

“What are you doing here?” Jisoo asked.

“My shoot got cancelled. What’s going on here?” But instead of answering her question, Jisoo shoot another question and proceed with what she is doing which is packing her things.

“Why is that?”

“My photographer got into an accident. What is going on here Chu?”

“Is he okay?”

“Can you answer my question? What is going on here?” She asked for the third time. Her patience is running out for Jisoo for avoiding her question.


“Nothing? You’re packing your things and you say nothing?”

“There’s an emergency Li.” She knows she’s lying.

“Emergency? What kind of emergency requires you to pack all of your things?” she said sarcastically and grabbed Jisoo’s arm to turn her towards her.

“Does Chaeng know about this?” No answer. She pulled out her phone.

“I’m gonna call her.”

“No!” But Jisoo was quick to grab it away from her.

“Then tell me what is going on?” Jisoo turned her back again. Dropped the phone on the bed and continued on packing. Lisa noticed a familiar pouch on the side table.

“Isn’t this where you keep your passport?” she picked it up and opened it.

“Lisa, give that back to me.” Jisoo tried to grab it away from her but thanks to her long extremities, the smaller Korean failed. She saw a plane ticket in between her passport.

“You’re going to US? And why is that?”

“Lisa please.”

“No! Explain yourself Kim Jisoo.”

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