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“Where is that womanizer?” Jennie asked.

They’ve been waiting for Lisa for about 30 minutes now and she’s already hungry but Rosé insist for them to wait for her since she confirmed that she’s on her way.

Rosé tried calling her again for the 20th time and this time, she picked up.

“Where the hell are you?” Rosé asked.

“I swear I’m gonna kill you Lili.” Jennie shouted. Rosé put her on speaker phone.

“Calm down girls. I’m outside your door. Open up before I wreck this whole damn thing.”

Rosé dropped the call and opened her door.
“Ola!” Lisa greeted sounding and looking like dora with her little back pack while holding a bottle of Louis Roederer, Jennie’s favorite champagne.

“What took you so long?” Rosé sneered.

“The thing called traffic. And parking area? You know? Your parking here sucks.”

“Can we just eat?” Jennie shouted as Lisa puts down her bag and removes her coat.

“Oh, someone’s starving.” Lisa said and walked towards Jennie to kiss her on the top of her head.

“I’m so hungry I might eat you right now Lili.” She pulled Lisa to kiss her cheeks.

“Oh, I kinda like that.” Lisa was wearing her known smirk with her brows wiggling while Jennie’s mouth left agape with what Lisa just said.

“That fired back real quick.” Rosé laughing out loud looking at how shocked Jennie is at Lisa’s sexual remark.

“You’re gross. Do ever think about something else aside from sex?” Jennie finally found her tongue back.

“Yeah. I think about alcohol too you know that’s why I bought you this fucking expensive champagne.” Lisa put the champagne in the ice.

“Oh it wouldn’t scratch your savings.”

“It sure did put a huge dent on my credit.”

“Well at least it’s some classy champagne and not some cheap drink you buy your girls.” Jennie snide as she passes the salad to Rosé.

“Wait a minute, why do I hear jealousy? Are you jealous with my girls?” Lisa teases.

“Oh fuck off.”

“You know you can just tell me if you want me to date you.”

“Are you guys done? Cause I’m starting to think you actually liked each other and you’re just hiding it all in the bickering.” Rosé was done just watching the two and laughing at them so she intervene while putting pasta on her plate.

“Why? Is this how you and Jisoo started?”
Jennie almost choked on her salad. And Rosé picked up her fork and pointed it on Lisa.

“Now that’s strike two Lalisa. You wouldn’t want to go on strike three.”

Rosé’s three strike rule is basically her own version of throwing people out of her life. Like, she wouldn’t talk to them for weeks or even months. She doesn’t want to see them. Or she could but she couldn’t promise she wouldn’t hit them with a bat or something. So far, no one has hit that level of Rosé’s anger. But someone named Jisoo hit the homerun.

“Oooopppsss. Sorry. That slipped. Again.” Lisa sticking her tongue out. She couldn’t help but mention Jisoo ever since she came back. She wanted to tell the girls about it but she promised Jisoo not to.

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