Chapter 13

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Blaine blinked his eyes open slowly, looking around the room. He looked down at his hand and the IVs that were attached to him, along with his bruises from being hit. He was alone, so he hit the call button, looking up as a nurse walked in.
"Oh, you're awake, good." She said softly. "Here, I'll take your vitals to see how you're doing."
Blaine nodded slowly. "Is there anyone here for me? Like, in the waiting room?" He asked.
The nurse shook her head. "No, the guy who came in with you had to leave with his husband. Said they were going to Ohio." She said, taking Blaine's blood pressure.
Blaine's heart dropped in his chest. Was Kurt really gone? How could he just leave, after this? "His husband is the one who did this to me." He said. "Why was he allowed to leave? Shouldn't the police question him or something? I-I mean he hit me so hard that I passed out and I'm in the ER."
The nurse frowned. "He did this to you?" She asked. "I was told they found you passed out at your office and simply called the ambulance to get you help."
Blaine bit his lip, shaking his head. Derek must have threatened Kurt to get him to lie like that. "Okay, um- you know what? Don't worry about it. I'd prefer not to press charges. I'll handle it myself." He said, letting out a deep breath. "When can I leave?"
The nurse nodded. "If you're feeling okay, I can prescibe you some pain meds and start your discharge paperwork."
Blaine nodded, watching as the nurse walked out of the room. He reached over to the table beside his bed, grabbing his phone. There were no notifications.
He dialed Kurt, since he had a small sliver of hope that maybe he was still in New York.
"We're sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try again."
No. There was no way his number was already disconnected. He dialed again.
"We're sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try again."
Blaine shook his head, his eyes filling with tears. Was there really no way to contact Kurt? How would he know that he's okay? How would he go on with life never talking to him again?
He looked up as the nurse walked back in, signing his discharge papers and standing up as she helped him get out of bed.
"Do you have someone who can drive you home?" She asked softly. "You shouldn't drive while taking your pain medication."
Blaine shook his head. "I'll get an Uber." He said, putting his jacket on. "Thanks for your help."
He got in the car once it pulled up, looking up at the driver. "Take me to JFK airport." He breathed. It had only been a couple of hours since they were both at LoveFool, and there was still a slight chance that Kurt hadn't gotten on the plane yet. And even if that chance was tiny, Blaine had to try.
He tapped his foot nervousls as they approached JFK, stepping out of the car after tipping his driver. He ran inside, looking up at the board of hundreds of flights that day. "Ohio.. where the hell are the flights for Ohio." He breathed, biting his lip. His breath hitched as a flight for Ohio finally popped up, reading the time carefully. "Boards in ten minutes." He whispered, running to the nearest counter to get a ticket so he could go through security.
"Hi, I need your cheapest ticket to absolutely anywhere. I don't care where." He said, tapping his finger nervously on the counter.
The clerk smiled. "Of course, sir, and how are you paying today?"
Blaine fumbled with his wallet, handing her his ID and his credit card. "Charge whatever it costs to that card." He said, staring down at TSA. There wasn't too long of a line. Maybe I can make it.
He took his ticket once it was printed, running through the airport to security. He got in line, and everything seemed to be moving at a slower pace when the love of his life was at the other side of these barriers. He thanked the workers once he was finally through TSA, looking at the board again to find Kurt's gate number. "B12." He whispered to himself, running as fast as he safely could through the airport. He looked up as the sign to his right finally read B12, looking around frantically. "He has to be here." He breathed desperately. There were people lined up to board the plane, some obviously already boarded, but no sign of Kurt. His heart was slowly sinking, losing hope by the second, until he heard a voice behind him.
He turned around, seeing Kurt's wide blue eyes as he stared at him. "Kurt." He breathed, walking up to him. "Where's Derek?" He asked.
Kurt looked at Blaine, taking a deep breath. "He already boarded, I-I was just using the bathroom." He said softly. "Thank god you're okay, h-he took my phone and he forced me to come here with him, I wanted to stay with you and make sure you were okay. I'm so sorry."
Blaine bit his lip over a smile. "Its okay, Kurt. I just... I'm here to tell you that you can't leave, you just can't." He said softly, taking his hands. "And I know you don't want to."
Kurt swallowed thickly, letting out a shaky breath. He wanted to run away with Blaine, but he was still terrified of Derek. "I-I can't-"
Blaine cut him off. "You can do whatever you want to do, Kurt. You have to stop saying you can't do things just because you're scared." He said softly. "Derek is on that plane, and you're here, with me, and I love you, Kurt." He breathed. "I love you so much, and I will never hurt you. Please choose me. You're all I've ever wanted." He begged, tears falling down his cheeks. "You know I love you more than he ever has."
Kurt was overwhelmed. He was forced to come to the airport by Derek's threats of hurting him again, and even though those words echoed in his head, Blaine's seemed a thousand times more important.
"Sir, we are closing the doors, you need to board if you want to go to Ohio."
He looked up at the stewardess as she spoke, shaking his head. "I'm not going to Ohio." He said softly, looking back at Blaine. "I'm staying here."

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