Chapter six

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"Hey, you." Blaine whispered, looking up at Kurt as he blinked his eyes open. He had been awake for a while, admiring Kurt as he slept beside him.
Kurt rubbed his eyes, looking around the room. He looked up at Blaine, then down at himself, and remembered what had happened the previous night. He had slept with Blaine. He cheated on his husband. "What did I do?" He whispered. "Oh my god- I have to go home." He said, scrambling to stand up and put his clothes on.
Blaine frowned. "Wait- what? You're leaving?" He asked worriedly, sitting up. "Can we at least talk? Please? I mean you just- you can't just sleep with me and leave. Please." He said desparately.
Kurt shook his head, letting out a deep breath. "Blaine- I'm sorry. My husband is going to kill me if he knows I didn't come home. I have to go." He said, putting his jacket on and walking out of the bedroom.
Blaine got out of bed quickly, following Kurt to the front door. "Wait- Kurt, please. Please promise you'll talk to me at the office today." He begged. "You can't just leave like this."
Kurt looked up into Blaine's desparate eyes, nodding. "I will. I promise. I'm sorry, I just- I have to get home right now." He said softly. "I'll talk to you at the office. I promise."
Blaine nodded, gently pulling Kurt into a hug. "Please be safe. If he's angry and does anything to you, you have my number. You can call me and I'll be there in a second."
Kurt swallowed thickly. "Okay." He breathed. "Thank you." He said, pulling away and walking out the door.
He walked quickly through the cold morning air until he found a taxi, getting in the backseat and telling them his address. He looked down at his phone, that had no missed calls, which was a good sign. He paid his driver and got out of the taxi as soon as he got to his building, taking a deep breath as he slowly opened his apartment door.
Derek was fast asleep on the couch, beer cans covering the coffee table. "Thank god." Kurt whispered to himself, walking to his bedroom and sitting down on the bed. He looked up into the mirror on his vanity, letting out a small sigh. His hair was messy, his lips were still a little swollen from the countless kisses the night before, and his neck had a couple of small, luckily hideable, hickeys. He ran his fingers over the marks on his neck, letting his eyes flutter shut and remember the night before.
Guilt was the first thing that came to his mind. How could he do this? How could he do the worst thing you can possibly do in a marriage? He wasn't this kind of person— he was never a cheater.
But then his mind began to wander. If he cut Blaine off now, what would he be missing out on? He hadn't taken a risk for as long as he could remember, and Blaine was definitely a risk. "Maybe one of the only risks I'm willing to take." He whispered to himself, standing up and beginning to change his outfit for work. He was nervous to see Blaine, because he really had no idea what he was going to say. He definitely wasn't ready to just get up and leave to be with Blaine— and who's to say that Blaine would even want a relationship with him? There was so many unknowns, and Kurt was beginning to get overwhelmed, so he tried not to think about it until he got to the office.
"Mr.Hummel." Was the first thing Kurt heard when he walked in, and he looked up quickly.
"Bl- Mr.Anderson. Hi." He stammered, smiling politely. "Did you still want to meet in your office this morning?"
Blaine nodded. "Yes, please." He said, leading the way to his office and closing the door behind them. He closed his blinds so that nobody could see in before turning to Kurt. "Hi." He breathed, sitting down on the couch in his office.
Kurt sat beside him, swallowing thickly. "Hi." He said softly. "I'm really sorry about this morning."
Blaine shook his head. "Don't worry about that. It's okay." He said, placing a genle hand on Kurt's knee. "What happened with your husband?"
Kurt let out a small sigh of relief- he was glad that Blaine wasn't upset with him. "Nothing happened, luckily." He said. "He was passed out on the couch when I got home— he probably fell asleep long before he realized I hadn't come home."
Blaine nodded. "That's good." He said, looking up into Kurt's eyes. "Look, Kurt, I just want you to know that I didn't take advantage of you. I was drunk too, and-"
Kurt cut him off. "I know." He said. "I initiated everything, I know. I remember. I wasn't that drunk." He laughed softly, looking down. "I know you're not like that."
Blaine nodded. "What are we gonna do now?" He asked, looking into Kurt's blue eyes. "Because I don't want to force you into anything. If that was a one time thing, that's okay. I mean- I want to keep seeing you, but, I know you're married."
Kurt nodded slowly. "I don't know." He whispered. He was already so unsure of things this morning, and when his eyes met Blaine's, it made everything that much harder. Blaine looked so hopeful. "I don't think it's a good idea to keep seeing each other outside of work."
Oh. That's not what he was wanting to hear. Blaine bit his lip to stop himself from looking too disappointed. "Okay." He whispered, taking his hand off of Kurt's knee. "Just, um- I just want you to know that I'm here for you. Even if you don't want to sleep with me anymore, I'm here. You can call me anytime."
Kurt nodded, sighing softly. "You're too sweet." He said, looking down. "I'm sorry if I got your hopes up. I didn't mean to. I shouldn't have gotten drunk and done that."
Blaine shook his head. "Don't apologize." He said, taking a deep breath. "Um, we should get back to work. Do you have anyone to set me up with yet?"
Kurt swallowed thickly. The thought of sending Blaine out on a date made his heart drop, but he had no choice. "Yeah, um- yeah, I do." He said softly. "There's this guy who works at a marketing company, he's twenty six, and I think you would get along well. He's available tomorrow night."
Blaine nodded. "Okay, then, it's a date." He said, staring at the ground. He didn't want to go on a date with someone else, but he couldn't just put his life on hold for Kurt.
"Alright, um, I'll send you the details." He said, standing up. "I'm gonna get back to work, Mr.Anderson."
Blaine nodded. "Okay, have a good day." He breathed, closing the door behind Kurt as he walked out. He sat back down, putting his head in his hands and sniffling softly. He'd had a crush on Kurt ever since he started working there over a year ago, and getting to know him and be intimate with him had only deepened his feelings. He needed to let it go now, though, and if going on another date was what he had to do, then so be it.

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