Chapter Seven

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"You must be Blaine?"
Blaine looked up from his phone, smiling softly. "Yeah, you must be Dave." He said in return. This wasn't at all who he expected to be set up with— he wasn't his usual type, but, he trusted Kurt. Hopefully his personality would make up for it.
"That would be me." He smiled, sitting down.
Blaine nodded, continuing to make small talk as they ordered their food and began eating. Blaine quickly realized that they had little to nothing in common besides the fact that they both liked football. "So, um, do you like musicals?" Blaine asked, trying to scrape up anything to make conversation.
"Oh, no, definitely not." Dave laughed, chugging his third beer of the night. "I like country music."
Blaine swallowed thickly. "Oh, um, that's nice." He said, smiling softly as the waitress walked over. "Here's my card— I'll cover it." He said, desparate to pay so he could leave.
Dave set a hand on Blaine's, looking up into his eyes. "Hey, so, my place is pretty close to here. What do you say we keep this going?"
Blaine looked down at their hands, laughing awkwardly. "Um- that's really sweet, but, I'm getting a really bad headache." He lied. "Maybe another time?"
Dave nodded. "Alright, sounds good." He said, standing up once the waitress had brought their receipt. "Thanks for paying, by the way." He said, walking out onto the sidewalk. He gently cupped Blaine's cheek before leaning in, pressing a kiss to his lips. "Call me." He said as he pulled away, winking before turning to walk towards his apartment.
Blaine kissed back reluctantly, letting out a sigh of relief once he finally walked away.

"How was your date?" Kurt asked, looking up at Blaine as he walked into his office.
"It was really, really great." Blaine lied, looking down at Kurt before sitting down across from him. "I went back to his apartment afterwards, it was really amazing."
Kurt swallowed thickly. "Oh- um, that's good." He said, letting out a shaky breath. "You slept with him?"
Blaine nodded. "Oh yeah, we went at it all night." He lied again. "Probably the best sex I've ever had."
Kurt bit down on his lip, looking up at Blaine. "I'm happy for you." He whispered, tapping his pen. "I'm glad you like him."
Blaine sighed softly. "Why did you set me up with someone who you knew I had nothing in common with?"
Kurt swallowed thickly. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."
Blaine rolled his eyes. "I didn't like him. I didn't sleep with him. He invited me back to his place and I said no." He said. "You set me up, didn't you? You didn't want it to work out."
Kurt looked down. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "I just- I didn't want to see you with someone else. I know I'm married and I know I turned you down but I-I just can't stand the thought of you with someone else."
Blaine sighed. "What do you want me to do, Kurt?" He asked. "Wait around and not go out with anyone until you're ready? I like you so much, I've liked you since the day I hired you. I have a huge crush on you and-"
Kurt cut him off. "I wanna keep sleeping with you." He breathed. "I-I can't just get up and leave my husband, but, I don't want to end this."
Blaine smiled slightly, looking up into Kurt's eyes. "I don't want to end this either." He whispered. "It'll be our secret." He said, placing a hand on Kurt's.
Kurt nodded, taking Blaine's hand. "Our secret."

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