Chapter Three

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"Mr.Hummel, you ready for your one o'clock?" Linda asked, smiling softly.
"Yeah, send them in." He smiled in return, looking back down at the paperwork he was doing on his desk. He looked up as he heard someone walk in, laughing softy. "Mr.Anderson?" He asked.
Blaine smiled widely as he walked into Kurt's office. "I decided to take you up on your offer." He said, sitting down across from Kurt.
Kurt nodded, taking a deep breath. "Wow, um- that's a lot of pressure."
Blaine shrugged. "I don't want special treatment, I just want you to match me with someone who you think would be a good fit." He smiled.
"Okay, fair enough." Kurt said, grabbing some papers from inside his desk. "We can start with the questionnaire, then. What are some personality traits that a perfect partner for you would have?"
Blaine took a deep breath. "I guess I just want someone with a genuinely kind heart." He said. "I haven't met many people like that, and I hope there are more out there." He laughed softly. "Everyone I've been in a relationship with for longer than a few dates always seems so nice at first, but never really ends up that way."
"Tell me about it." Kurt said, quickly biting his lip. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. This is about you."
Blaine laughed softly. "That's okay." He said. "I don't wanna always feel like I'm being interviewed."
Kurt nodded, a small smile appearing on his face. "Okay, now, tell me some physical traits of a partner that would be appealing to you."
Blaine nodded, looking up at Kurt. "Well, um- my ideal partner would probably have blue eyes." He said softly. "And brown hair that was somehow coiffed perfectly everyday. And he'd be tall- probably even taller than me. And I think he'd have an amazing fashion sense." He smiled, biting his lip. "I'm sorry- this is my really lame attempt at flirting with you." He laughed, a soft blush dusting his cheeks.
Kurt swallowed thickly, his heart beating fast in his chest as Blaine spoke. "Well, um, I'm assuming your ideal partner isn't married." He said, flashing his wedding ring. "I appreciate the gesture, though."
Blaine's face turned even more red. "Oh, god, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize." He said, swallowing thickly. "I just— I know we get along so well, and-"
Kurt cut him off. "Please don't worry about it. I haven't been flirted with in a long time." He laughed softly. "Don't tell my husband, but, I really don't mind."
Blaine nodded, some of the blush leaving his face. "Okay, I- um, I'm sorry, again. You can keep asking me questions now."
Kurt nodded, looking up into Blaine's eyes. He had never seen Blaine anything but confident and charming, so to see him flustered was new. And he'd be lying to himself if he said he'd turn him down if he was single.
"It's okay. I promise." Kurt said. "What is your goal from all this?" He asked. "Marriage? A short-term relationship? Long term?"
Blaine shrugged. "I mean, everyone just wants to be loved in life, right?" He said softly. "I feel like I just love so hard, and I've never felt that in return. I've never had someone be as into me as I am them. I want to give someone the whole world— I want to care for him, be there for him, and be whatever he needs. All I ask is for someone who would do that in return."
Kurt nodded, his heart basically swooning at this seemingly perfect man he had here in front of him. "How the hell aren't you married?" He asked, laughing softly. "I don't think it will be too hard to find you a match. You're obviously so sweet, I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't want to fall head over heels for you." He said, biting his lip. He knew he was sort of returning Blaine's flirtatiousness, but, he couldn't help but tell him how kindhearted he was. "I should be able to get you on a date next week, okay?"
Blaine smiled at Kurt's comment, nodding as he spoke. "That's great." He said. "I'm excited to meet my future husband."
Kurt laughed. "Now, as you know, I like to get to know all my clients a little bit more than just in the office." He smiled. "I know that we already know each other, but, if you want to go to dinner, or get a drink, I think that could help me get a sense of how you act in a public setting, and I can give you pointers for your date."
Blaine smiled. "I would love that." He said. "This is great— I get to see my best employee's strategies." He said, laughing gently. "How about tomorrow we head out an hour early and get a drink?"
Kurt nodded. "That would be great."
Blaine grinned. "I can't wait."

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