Chapter Four

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"Honey?" Kurt said softly, gently shaking Derek. "Honey, I'm heading to work."
Derek moaned in his sleep. "Mmk." He said, yawning.
"I'm having dinner with a client so I might be a little late. I'll call you, okay?"
"Whatever, just let me sleep." He moaned, rolling over and burying his head in the pillows.
Kurt sighed, walking out his door and down the sidewalk. Once he arrived at the building, he sat in his office for a few hours, filling out paperwork and meeting with clients as usual. There was one thing different about today, though, that Kurt couldn't stop thinking about: he was going out to drinks with Blaine. He knew it was strictly professional and he knew that he did this with all his clients, but Blaine had flirted with him the day before, and though he didn't want to admit it, it made his heart skip a beat. His thoughts came to a hault when he saw Blaine's slim figure in his doorway, smiling widely. "Kurt! Hi, I was hoping we could talk."
Kurt swallowed thickly. "Is something wrong?" He asked nervously.
Blaine shook his head. "Oh god, no. Nothing's wrong. Just wanted to decide where we should go for drinks tonight."
Kurt smiled. "Come on in." He said, inviting Blaine into his office.
They laughed together as they talked about the good and bad bars in the area and their favorite drinks.
When Blaine asked what Kurt's favorite drink was, they both said "Strawberry Daiquiri." At the same time.
"God, why didn't we become friends sooner?" Blaine asked, laughing softly. "We have so much in common."
Kurt shrugged. "I always thought you were an intimidating guy who could fire me at any second." He laughed. "I'm glad I'm getting to know you, though."
Blaine nodded in agreement, looking over at the clock. "Do you want to head out?"
"Yeah, let's go." Kurt said, walking alongside Blaine out of his office.
The two walked outside, towards the bar that was a few blocks away. "I haven't been out to a bar in who knows how long." Blaine said, laughing softly.
"Really? You don't have, like, a group of friends you go out with?" Kurt asked curiously.
Blaine shrugged. "Being a CEO of a business takes up a lot of time." He said. "I have to be at the office from nine to five everyday to monitor progress, I have to make phone calls constantly, take care of emails, and countless other things. I think that's part of the reason I haven't had a boyfriend in so long either."
Kurt nodded along as Blaine spoke. "I guess that makes sense." He said, walking into the bar and sitting down beside Blaine.
"We'll both have strawberry daiquiries." Blaine said, sliding his credit card across the bar. "Everything will be on me."
Kurt shook his head. "Are you sure? You're already paying me for matchmaking and-"
Blaine cut him off. "Don't worry about it, I promise." He smiled, taking his drink as the bartender handed it to them.
Kurt nodded, tucking his wallet back into his pants. "Thank you." He said, beginning to sip his drink. "This is really good." He laughed.
Blaine nodded, laughing softly as well. "This bar was a good pick." He grinned. "So, do you have more questions for me? How does going out for a drink help you choose my match?"
Kurt shook his head. "No questions. I just want to get to know you outside of work." He smiled. "How am I supposed to match you with someone perfectly when I don't even know you?"
Blaine nodded. "Okay, then, I have some questions for you." He grinned. "What made you want to work as a matchmaker?"
Kurt laughed softly. "I don't know, I guess I've always just been obsessed with the idea of love." He said, slurping the last couple sips of his drink. "I might need another one if you're giving me the questions." He smiled, taking another drink from the bartender.
Blaine laughed in return. "How long have you and your husband been together?" He asked, taking another drink as well. "And how come I've never heard you talk about him before yesterday?"
Kurt swallowed thickly. "We've been together since high school, and now I'm twenty four, so, I guess that makes it almost seven years." He said, looking up at Blaine. "I just- I don't know. He doesn't do much. He's unemployed, and kind of just waits on the couch for me to come home while I'm gone."
Blaine frowned. "Hm. Okay." He said, holding back from saying what a deadbeat he sounded like. "Do you wanna do shots?" He grinned.
Kurt laughed. Normally, he would say no, but he was already two drinks deep, and it was nearly impossible to resist Blaine's smile. "Sure." He said, looking over at Blaine as he ordered them shots.
"1...2...3." Blaine counted as he brought the shotglass to his mouth, tipping his head back as he swallowed his drink.
Kurt did the same, pursing his lips at the bitter taste. "God, I forgot how strong tequila is." He laughed.
Blaine laughed, a little too loud, and slapped a hand over his mouth. "I might embarrass myself tonight." He grinned, looking up at Kurt.
Kurt couldn't help the huge smile on his face. He hadn't been drunk in a long time, and he was having the most fun he'd had in years. "It's okay. Me too." He laughed.
Blaine looked up into Kurt's eyes, shaking his head gently. "Wow." He whispered.
Kurt frowned. "What?" He asked.
"Your eyes are gorgeous." Blaine whispered, his words leaving his mouth a little more carelessly now that he had a decent amount of alcohol in him.
Kurt blushed darkly. "So are yours." He said, staring into Blaine's hazel eyes.
Blaine bit his lip. "Did we have too much to drink?" He asked in a whisper.
Kurt laughed quietly. "Maybe. But I don't really care. I work hard everyday while my husband sits at home." He said, his words slipping from his mouth at an alarming rate. "I deserve to get drunk."
Blaine nodded. "You do deserve it. You work so hard." He smiled, putting a hand on Kurt's shoulder. "You deserve everything your heart desires."
Kurt nodded, taking a deep breath. His eyes were trailing over Blaine's face, and he couldn't help but think about how insanely attractive he was. He had always been more of an affectionate person when he was drunk, and, honestly he was longing for some sort of affection again. Derek had stopped cuddling and kissing him years ago.
"You're right. I should do what I want." He whispered, looking up at Blaine. "Can I tell you something?"
Blaine nodded. "Yeah, anything."
Kurt took a deep breath. "I'm having more fun with you tonight than I can ever remember having in seven years of being with my husband." He whispered against Blaine's ear, laughing softly. "Isn't that pathetic? I work as a matchmaker and I'm not even happy at home."
Blaine frowned, shaking his head. "You're not pathetic." He said, sipping his fourth drink. "You just-" He was cut off as he felt Kurt's lips press against his own, his heart beating a million miles a minute.
Kurt grabbed onto Blaine's thighs for balance, kissing him deeply. He knew what he was doing was wrong, he knew that he had a husband waiting at home for him and he would never be able to undo what he was about to do. But, in that moment, it didn't matter. Blaine had flirted with him, and was obviously attracted to him, and Kurt was done pretending he didn't feel the same. "I want you." He whispered against Blaine's lips. "God- I need something to feel good for once. I need you."
Blaine's head was spinning. "I want you too." He breathed. "I've wanted you for so long, but, Kurt-"
Kurt cut him off as soon as he pulled away. "Don't say anything. I don't want to think about what I'm doing. I just wanna do it." He whispered.
Blaine nodded breathlessly. "My apartment is a short taxi drive from here." He whispered. "We could go."
"Yes." Kurt muttered. "Let's go."

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