Chapter 15

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"Good morning." Blaine smiled, running a hand through Kurt's hair.
Kurt smiled, leaning into Blaine's touch. "'Morning." He breathed, letting out a happy sigh. He gently grabbed Blaine's sides, rolling on top of him. They were both shirtless, and Kurt let out a small moan at the feeling of their bare skin against one another. "I was dreaming about you." He whispered into Blaine's ear.
Blaine fluttered his eyes closed as Kurt rolled on top of him, letting out a small moan as well at the feeling of Kurt's breath on his ear. "Were you?" He whispered in return.
Kurt nodded. "Mmhmm... I was dreaming about touching you, and you touching me." He whispered, his hand trailing down Blaine's side until it rested on his hip.
Blaine rocked his hips upwards, his hands digging into Kurt's back. "Maybe you should make the dream a reality." He breathed out, leaning up and pressing a deep kiss to Kurt's lips.
Kurt kissed him back, moaning into his mouth. "Maybe I will." He teased, moving his hand to palm at Blaine's length.
Blaine rested his head against his pillow, his eyes rolling back in pleasure as he grinded up against Kurt's hand. "Please." He breathed, his fingers pushing into Kurt's back as he tried to pull him impossibly closer.
Kurt smirked— he was usually the one begging Blaine for more, but it felt good to be able to tease and know that Blaine wanted him just as badly. He felt more confident now that Blaine was his boyfriend, and there was nobody between them. "Only because you asked so nicely." He whispered, pulling back to kiss his way down Blaine'e chest. He pulled Blaine's boxers down once he was under the covers, wrapping his lips around him and moving up and down slowly.
"Fuck, Kurt." Blaine moaned loudly, tugging on Kurt's hair.
Kurt moaned around Blaine's length, gripping onto his thighs.
Blaine rolled his eyes back in pleasure, Kurt's head moving up and down underneath the covers at the end of the bed. "Kurt." He whined, his legs beginning to shake as he reached the edge, his hands tangled in Kurt's hair. Most mornings had been going like this— one waking the other up by touching or teasing until things escalated. Things finally felt like how they should be, even if Derek had been trying to call nonstop. Kurt and Blaine decided to keep all communication between their divorce lawyers.
"You are so hot." Kurt breathed, pulling off of Blaine's length once he finished, kissing his way up to his lips. "I love you."
Blaine was panting, reaching his arms up to wrap them around Kurt's neck. "I love you more." He whispered, kissing him back slowly.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "Never." He teased.
"Come on, we're gonna be late." Blaine laughed, tugging Kurt out of bed.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, kissing him again. "Can't we just lay in bed all day?" He teased, pulling away and grabbing some clothes out of the dresser.
Blaine rolled his eyes playfully. "We've had a week now, it's our first day back at work. It'll be good. I promise." He smiled, taking Kurt's hand once they were both dressed.
"You're sure you're okay with being open about our relationship?" Kurt asked, looking over at Blaine as they walked hand-in-hand down the snowy New York sidewalk.
"I'm sure." Blaine said. "I'm just- I'm done hiding us, you know? We're together, you're getting divorced. Nothing to hide there. I'm still your boss and we'll still be professional at work." He smiled as they walked into the building. They got into the elevator, Kurt leaning into Blaine's side as they waited for the door to open.
"Kurt!" Linda exclaimed as they walked into the office. "When Mr.Anderson told us you were coming back we were so excited." She grinned.
Kurt laughed happily. "I just can't stay away from this place, I guess." He smiled, squeezing Blaine's hand. "Well, I have a lot to catch up on. I'll come have lunch with you in your office?" He asked, looking over to Blaine.
Blaine nodded, smiling softly. "Sounds great." He said, pecking Kurt's cheek before walking back into his office.
Kurt blushed softly, walking to his office and sitting down at his desk. It felt good to be back at his desk, something that he didn't think he'd ever get to see again. His work was interrupted when his coworker walked in. "Nick! Hi, good to see you."
Nick nodded. "Yeah, you too, Kurt." He said, sitting in a chair across from Kurt's desk. "Listen, I saw you and Mr.Anderson holding hands this morning, and I just want you to know that if you're sleeping with him to get a promotion, it's not gonna work."
Kurt frowned. "What? No, no, it's not like that at all, I-"
Nick cut him off. "I'm just saying. Been there, done that."
Kurt frowned. "What do you mean, 'done that?'"
Nick laughed softly. "Well, Blaine— I mean, Mr.Anderson and I used to hookup." He said. "I guess he got tired of me because he cut me off after a couple months, but, I'm just warning you."
Kurt swallowed thickly. "He's not like that, h-he.."
Nick cut him off again. "Did you guys start hooking up because of a drunken night? Did he offer to take you on vacations? Did he keep the fact that we hooked up from you?" He asked. "See? I think he is like that. Anyways, best of luck to you." He smiled, walking out of Kurt's office.
Kurt was filled with a mix of anger and jealousy, and he immediately stormed into Blaine's office, closing the door and the blinds behind him.
Blaine looked up from his laptop, frowning. "Hey, Kurt, what's going on? Everything okay?" He asked softly.
Kurt shook his head, letting out a shaky breath. "When were you going to tell me you slept with Nick?"
Blaine frowned again. "What? Nick? Why would I tell you that I slept with him?"
Kurt scoffed. "Oh, I don't know, maybe because I sit two feet away from him every single day." He said, shaking his head. "You just didn't think to tell me that you slept with my coworker? How many other people in here have you slept with? All of them? Maybe even Linda, too!" 
Blaine stood up, walking over to Kurt. "What are you talking about, Kurt? I slept with Nick a couple of times over two years ago. And I've never slept with anyone else in the office, why would you accuse me of that?"
Kurt swallowed thickly. "Two years ago?" He asked quietly. "Well that still doesn't explain why you didn't tell me. And why you cut him off for no reason."
Blaine shook his head. "Just let me explain, okay? Stop attacking me." He said, sitting down on the couch in his office. "We both had to stay late one day to do paperwork, and he happened to have some wine in the break room fridge that he was planning to take home that day. One thing led to another and we drank, and we kissed, and yeah, we slept together. But why would I need to tell you that? You were married at the time for god's sake."
Kurt looked down. "Why did you cut him off?"
Blaine sighed. "Because I realized he was just using me for a promotion. He wouldn't stop asking if there were jobs up for grabs or if I could make him department head." He said, looking up into Kurt's eyes. "I liked him. He liked my CEO title and my money. And it's not a very positive experience to relive, so, I hope you're happy. I didn't think I needed to tell you because it was years ago and it means nothing to me now."
Kurt bit his lip, sitting beside Blaine on the couch. "God, I'm so sorry, Blaine, I don't know what got into me." He said, sniffling softly. "Nick just came into my office and told me that you two used to hook up and I-I just got so jealous and possessive. You're just- you're so perfect and I love you so much. I was scared of something coming between us again. I'm so sorry."
Blaine took Kurt's hands, squeezing them gently. "It's okay." He said, wrapping Kurt in a hug. "I get why you were upset. I'm sure hearing that your boyfriend slept with your coworker isn't what you expected to hear on your first day back." He pulled away from the hug, pressing a soft kiss to Kurt's forehead. "But I promise I wasn't keeping it from you. I just genuinely didn't think to tell you because he means nothing to me."
Kurt sighed sadly. "I'm so sorry for putting you through that, Blaine." He whispered. "I-I freaked out because you slept with a guy for a few months, but I was married. You had to watch me go home to someone else for years a-and even when we finally did find each other it took me so long to leave him. I can't imagine how awful you felt."
Blaine shook his head. "All that matters is that we're together now, okay? It's you and me, no Derek, no Nick. Nobody else. I promise." He said, leaning in and pressing a slow kiss to Kurt's lips.
Kurt nodded, kissing him back gently. "Speaking of Derek." He said when they pulled away. "Have you heard anything from our lawyers?"
Blaine sighed. "Yeah, um- he got your divorce petition. But Derek really wants to meet in person before he'll sign anything."
Kurt swallowed thickly, looking down. "Will I have to meet with him?" He asked quietly.
Blaine shook his head. "No. We're going to do absolutely everything we can to make sure you don't. I promise."

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