Chapter Two

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"What's for dinner?" Derek said between yawns, rolling over on the couch.
Kurt sighed. "No 'how was work, honey?'" He asked, rolling his eyes.
Derek looked up at Kurt. "I said what I said." He breathed. "Maybe answer me this time. What's for dinner?"
Kurt swallowed thickly, he knew this mood. The one too many beers mood, where if he got pushed over the edge he might do something bad mood. "I'll make chicken alfredo." He said, taking a deep breath as he walked to the kitchen. He set his jacket on the table, looking at the several empty beer bottles on the table. He knew better than to ask how many Derek had drank— it was better just to make him dinner and let him pass out on the couch.
Kurt pulled ingredients out of the freezer and pantry, cooking by himself with the TV playing some sit-com in the background. "Here you go, honey." He said softly, handing a bowl to Derek.
"Looks good." He said, taking the bowl and immediately scarfing down several large bites.
"I'm gonna go put some pajamas on." Kurt said softly, walking to their bedroom. He sat down on the bed, letting out a deep breath. He never imagined that his life would end up like this— Derek had been the nicest, sweetest person when they got married. "I guess people really do change." He whispered to himself, standing up and grabbing his pajamas.
He glanced into the living room once he had changed, letting out a sigh of relief as he saw Derek passed out on the couch. He knew that if he had been awake he would've demanded that they have sex before bed, so Kurt was mostly glad that his husband would be sleeping on the couch tonight. He laid down in bed, clicking the TV on and putting on a sappy reality show, enjoying the quiet time to himself.
He sighed softly as he watched two of the characters kissing on the beach, reminiscing of the day when he was young and in love. It seemed like everything changed in a heartbeat— one day they were happily married, and the next day Derek lost his job and everything went downhill from there. It was ironic that he was the best matchmaker at his company, yet his own match was nothing but a verbally abusive drunk. He went to sleep with thoughts swirling his brain, just like every night, and let a few tears run down his cheeks as he fell asleep.

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