Chapter 8

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"Oh my god, don't stop." Kurt choked out, trying to keep his voice down so the people outside of Blaine's office couldn't hear them.
"Not planning on it." Blaine smirked before wrapping his lips around Kurt's length again, bobbing his head up and down.
Kurt rolled his eyes back in pleasure, tangling his hands in Blaine's hair. They had been hooking up almost everyday for over a week now— everything from quick blowjobs in Blaine's office to leaving work early to go to Blaine's apartment. So far, Derek hadn't suspected anything— he was so wrapped up in his own life and drinking that he didn't notice much besides when Kurt forgot to leave him dinner on the table.
"You're so fucking good at that." Kurt breathed out once he came, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.
Blaine smiled widely, pressing a kiss to Kurt's cheek. "You're just so hard to resist." He teased, sliding a hand through Kurt's hair. He looked up at the clock, sighing sadly when he saw that it was 4:59pm. "Do you have to go home?" He asked desperately, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist.
"You know I do." Kurt whispered, sighing softly. "I'm sorry."
Blaine nodded. "What if, next week, we go away together?" He smiled. "I could take you anywhere in the world— just tell Derek it's a company trip. Some workshop or something. I'll send you a fake email for you to show him."
Kurt laughed breathlessly. "Blaine-"
Blaine cut him off. "Please?" He begged. "I just want more time with you, Kurt, please."
Kurt bit his lip. Derek was gullible enough, and he'd do anything to spend more time with Blaine. "Okay. Fine." He said, smiling slightly. "I'll go with you."
Blaine laughed happily, wrapping Kurt in a hug. "I thought I'd have to convince you more." He said, cupping Kurt's cheek. "Just think about where you want to go and let me know tomorrow." He grinned, pressing a deep kiss to Kurt's lips.
Kurt laughed, smiling widely against Blaine's lips. "Okay, okay, I will." He said, looking at the clock. "I've really gotta go now, but, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
Blaine nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow, Kurt."

"Hi honey." Kurt said softly as he walked into his apartment. For once, Derek was actually awake, sitting on the couch. "How was your day?"
Derek shrugged, standing up. "It was alright. I missed you, baby." He said, walking over to Kurt and putting his hands on Kurt's hips.
Kurt swallowed thickly. "I-I missed you too." He said softly. He could smell the alcohol on Derek's breath, and he knew the mood he was in. "Can I make you some dinner?"
Derek shook his head. "I'm not hungry." He breathed, pressing kisses to Kurt's neck. "We should lay down."
Kurt let out a shaky breath. He hadn't had sex with Derek since he started sleeping with Blaine, and he was dreading this day. "Okay." He whispered, following Derek to the bedroom. He laid down, closing his eyes as Derek got on top of him. He tried not to think about Blaine, about how crushed he would be if he saw Kurt with someone else. It felt like he was cheating on Blaine— and even though that wasn't the case, it made him sick.
He laid there, letting Derek undress him. He kept his eyes closed for most of the time, letting out small moans and whines as Derek fucked him. He tried to push the guilt out of his mind- he tried not to imagine Blaine sitting home alone, probably looking into locations for their getaway.
"God baby, I'm so close." Derek breathed, pinning Kurt's arms to the bed.
Kurt nodded, breathing heavily and squeezing his eyes shut. He tried to imagine Blaine- the way he touched him, the way he felt inside him. It was the only way he could get himself to finish so that he didn't have to take anymore of this.
"Wow, baby, we are still so good at that." Derek breathed as he pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to him.
Kurt nodded "Mhm." He whispered, standing up. "I'm gonna take a shower, okay?"
Derek nodded, already drifting to sleep. Kurt walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him before falling to the ground. He put his head in his hands as he cried softly, turning on the shower to drown out the sound of his cries. He felt absolutely no connection to Derek anymore, which he had known for a long time, but being with Blaine had finally forced him to deal with his loss of feelings. He grabbed his phone off of the counter, sending a text to Blaine.
'Can you meet me at the office an hour before we open? I need to see you. -K'
Blaine looked down at his phone as he sat on his couch, smiling when he saw the notification from Kurt.
'Of course. Is everything okay? -B'
Kurt wiped his tears to read Blaine's text, a small smile appearing on his face.
'Everything's okay. Just miss you. I'll see you in the morning. -K'

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