Chapter 31

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Those words are playing over and over in my head: "Kitten tell me now. I cant hold back this time. My body craves you. I need you. Kitten tell me..."

I remember his breath, the look in his eyes, the heat radiating from his body. I remember like I am still there at that moment. I never want to leave it. 

Heres what happened:

After those words, I closed our little distance. I sat on top of him and kissed him as much as I could. I could feel the heat off of my body and off of his. I can feel my heartbeat and his. I can feel everything. 

We were in that position for a while (even though it didn't feel like enough). I was wearing my bra and pants. He was still in his pants. My bra strap fell. He growled. He went to continue down my neck to my shoulder and then down to my breast. He cupped it. He cupped it hard. My bra was still on. I pulled him back to remove it. 

And that was that.

I pulled away for a second (literally a second) and then something hit him.

"Kitten you didn't answer me."

"What? "

"You didnt answer me. I need an answer."

"Well I thought we jumping and humping you was an answer."

He chuckles, "I need to hear the words. "

I looked down. I wanted to continue. I just couldnt say it out loud. I couldnt say the words. It was like something is inside my mouth holding it so it wouldnt open.

He grabbed my chin, lifted it up to look in his eyes. I cannot even begin to describe the painful look in his eyes. He had a sad, sad look in them. "Its okay Kitten. Its too soon anyways."

He untangled us, got up and went to look for our clothes. He gave me mine and put on his. I grabbed it without being able to look into his eyes. I put it on quickly and rushed to the car. 

He drove us home in silence.

And that is what happened. 

That is the last time I spoke to him.

I saw him around school but we avoided each other.

I couldnt help and think to myself if that was all he wanted from me. Hump and dump. I didnt want to believe it at all but there was a little voice in my head that I couldnt escape.

On the other hand, my dad has been helping Jenny talk to a bunch of lawyers. He wants her to choose the one she likes the most. It has been a LOOOOOOOOOOONG process. She still hasn't found one that she was willing to open up too. She has also been seeing someone. A therapist. She said that she is close to opening up to him. For now she is just learning how to talk to people again. That is all that she will tell me. I decided not to ask further. She is already going through a lot no need to pry. I am very proud of her. We all are.

I am home right now, sitting watching reruns of Tom and Jerry with Parker. He asked me what happened a lot of times but I refused to answer. He finally got the hint and stopped. I am grateful for that.

My dad comes home. He opens the door and he is smiling. Not the usual greet and a smile but the smile isn't leaving his face. Parker and I look at each other. My dad walks into the kitchen and we both follow. I smell gossip!!! 

Parker nudges me to talk. 

"Hey dad. I...uhhh.... whats up?"

Parker gives me a are you serious face.

I stick my tongue out at him.

My dad still smiling replies, "Nothing."

Parker interjects, "Oh really, no reason for a smile never leaving your face, sir?"

Now I nudge him and give him a look. Blunt much?

My dad just keeps smiling and shakes his head no. He then proceeds to start cooking. While taking out the ingredients, he begins humming and dancing. YES DANCING!! WTH

Parker and I just stand there confused.

Then we hear the front door open. 

Jenny rushes in with a smile on her face.

What is up with all of the smiling?!!

Jenny sees my dad and smiles more. 


She pulls me and Parker into the living room.

"Ok gang listen up. I have found a lawyer!!!"

We all squeal, hug each other and jump up and down from joy. 

After a few moments, we calm down. 

Jenny continues," that is not even the best part. Your dad in there, is a ladies man Hailey. My lawyer and your dad seemed to hit it off soooooooo well. You should've seen it. It was like love at first sight. It was like Romeo saw Juliet for the first time. It was like..."

I cut her off, "Okay we get it!! Wait , wait wait, you sure you're talking about that man in there? The one that has no game nor has ever flirted with a woman?"

Parker rolls his eyes, "Just because he didnt do it in front of you doesn't mean it never happened." He then grabs Jenny's arm, brings her to the couch to sit with him. "Okay girl tell me more."

Jenny continues to tell him every single thing she did that day in detail. I have had enough and walk into the kitchen. I grab a water bottle, unnoticed since my dad is still in la la land.

I exit the house through the garage. I needed air. 

In my Scooby Doo pajamas I walk. 

I walk and do not have a destination. I just think. A very dangerous thing to do. 

La la la I walk and finally realized where I am at. 

I look around me. I enter the place and go to the location where it all started. 

The cemetery.

I walk to Elizabeth Anderson. I sit next to her like last time and just start talking. My mouth wouldnt stop. I told her everything. From my personal life, to everyone elses. I also tell her I have to visit someone else her but  I am ashamed. I am scared to go see her-Aidans mom. I dont deserve to see her. I am crying now. I get up and begin to pace around Elizabeth while still talking, well mumbling through the tears.

I was pulled back into reality when I heard a voice that made my heart do flips.

"Kitten you are about to create a hole around dear Elizabeth here."

I stop frozen and face him. He looks tired. Very tired. He has dark circles around his eyes.

I am speechless.

"So I guess we had the same idea huh...."

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