Chapter 14

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Sorry for the wait! School sucks :(


It was this way for around 30 minutes ( well I dont know the exact time just estimated). I didn't pressure him to talk because I know he needed to gather his thoughts. Oh and yes my head was still on his shoulder. It was there the whole time!!

Finally Aidan spoke up but didn't move. "Kitten what do you think of me?"

I was shocked. I moved my head to look at him. "I think you're a smirking jerk who brought an innocent girl to the woods, in the middle of nowhere. So I would say you're a bit strange."

He smiled. "I'm serious kitten."

"Alright, alright. The truth?"

He nods.

"Well I dont know you very well but I think you're obnoxious, a player and a jerk."

His face hardened.

"But I also think you're smart, witty, tough and a go- getter."

He looked at me. His face ofcourse was completely frozen and shocked. I then decided to put my hand on top of his.

He looked down at it and then back up at me. "I really hope you won't change your opinion of me after this."

I squeezed his hand in assurance.

He continued. "I know why Jenny changed."

I gulped.

He begins. "She used to be so pure and innocent. All the girls were disgusted at her purity and all the guys took it as a challenge. You know who can steal her virginity first. It was all a game to them."

I gasped.

He looked at me sadly and then back at the sunset. "One night, right where were sitting, a party was taking place. It was Liam's birthday."

I gasped again, remembering how Jenny couldn't look at Liam.

"Jenny surprisingly came. I mean she never comes to these things. She wasn't even dressed for the party. She was wearing a turtle neck for gods sake. The guys didn't care. They continued their game of who can take Jenny's virginity. They disgusted me really. Nothing would stop them. I told Jenny to be careful. She said she will be fine and didn't need me to bother her about it. You see I had to leave early for..... " ( a long pause)..." family reasons. I was close to Jenny because I admired her. She was like an angel. I needed something good in my life and that was Jenny."

He paused again. I had a bad feeling that the bad part is coming. I squeezed his hand again and urged him to continue. He really needed to get this off his chest.

He inhaled. "Long story short... Liam won the game. He raped Jenny."

I froze. Aidan was about to cry. I didn't know what to do. My brain once again said to run but ofcourse I followed my heart and straddled him. Only to hug him ofcourse . Right away he held on tightly and put his head on my shoulder. We were hugging in a seated position.

Then something hit me. Im straddling a boy!! I never did that!! Parker would be so proud. OMG Hailey now is not the time.

Aidan stopped after a few minutes. He looked at me and I got lost in his beautiful yet very sad blue eyes. They were wet as well as his cheeks so I wiped his cheeks with my thumb. He was following my every movement.

We stayed like that for a while. With my hands on his face and his on my waist just looking at each other. We were so close together.

In that moment I knew one thing for sure.....

there was more to the story.


I was right.

I mean I'm always right but this time I was super right....there was more to the story.

I decided to give him space so he could continue but just as I was trying to get off him he help me in place. We just kept staring into each other's eyes. I was so lost and captivated in them....

He continued. "After that happened Liam became the king. Jenny ran straight to me. To me kitten."

Another pause. He looked down. I put my hand under his chin so that he can look up at me.

He continued. "She came to my house. She was such a mess Kitten, I can't even describe it. Once she told me, I was fuming. I was ready to go there and beat him senseless. She stopped me. It was hard to stop me but she did. Like she literally jumped on my back and screamed at me. She stopped me because she knew how powerful Liam and his family are. You see Kitten Liam's family is super rich and powerful. We weren't afraid that Liam would make our life hell by bullying or something. We needed his money. I needed it for my dad and Jenny needed it for her whole family. "

I squeezed his hand. "Its okay Aidan."

" My father is a gambler. He is so addicted Kitten you have no idea. He is never home. He's always busy throwing away whatever money he has. He sometimes goes over board and is in debt. Liam's dad always bails him out. I dont know why and I dont care. That's why I couldn't stick up for Jenny. Liam's dad saves my stupid dad."

I freeze.

"Jenny is a different story. Long story short, her family was once wealthy and then something happened that they became poor. I mean like super poor. I dont know what happened because Jenny never told me and its not mine to find out. But no one knew except me. You see Jenny and I were really close like I said before. We needed each other just to have someone to listen and understand. That was all. Anyways, since they used to be in that rich society, Liam and Jenny knew each other. Their parents were secretly planing their wedding. Jenny's parents are still pushing her into marrying Liam because they need the money that badly. Her parents dont know what happened to her though. Well at least I think they dont. Jenny disappeared after that night."

I put my hands on his cheeks again. "What about your mom?"

He sighed. "She died. She had cancer."

I hugged him. I hugged him so tightly that I started crying.

He whispered comforting words ("Shhh its ok"). He ran his fingers up and down my back.

I finally spoke. "If it helps my dad is never home either. After my mom left us for drugs he's always going out to distract himself."

We broke apart from our hug. We were still staring at each other.

I continued. "You can't continue to blame yourself, you know that right."

"I know but if I stayed that night instead of trying to go look for my dad as usual I wouldve prevented it."

"Its not your fault Aidan. You needed to go find your dad. Well it explains a lot."

He looked confused. "What does?"

"Why Jenny changed and won't look Liam in the eye. And why your face hardens every time you see her. Ooo and why you never seem to participate in the group. You always look like you hate being there. Well except when you came by my house..."

He put his hand over my mouth to stop me from talking. Aidan looked surprised. "You noticed all that?"

I nod.

He removes his hand.

"You amaze me more each day Kitten."

I look down and blush.

He chuckles. "Cmon Ive got to get you home."

We detach ourselves from one another and walk to the car in silence.

I really hope my dad wouldn't be home.

Or else Im dead meat....


Hope you enjoyed it. By far my fav to write :(

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