Chapter 19

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I just put that up there in case anyone is having a bad day.
Also, does anyone have any story recommendations?
Thank you!!
Waking up.
Those 2 words are the hardest in the morning.

Except today, that is. I had a sleepover with Aidan due to my dads permission. We did it the right way and it felt even better. Aidan and I stayed up the whole night talking about random things. I learned his philosophical views of the world, how much he hates Romeo and Juliet because according to him its "a bunch of bull. " He laid on my stomach while I ran my finger through his hair. I just listened to him talk and laugh. Then he would question me on my views. Then when I was falling asleep we switched positions and I laid on him. Overall, it was definitely my favorite night.

I opened my eyes to see Aidan asleep on my stomach. Funny how we're back to this position. I began to run my hands through his hair again (talk about deja vu). I feel him stir in his sleep and so I stop.

He speaks, "mmmm don't stop."
How do guys have such a sexy morning voice? I sound like a dying cat when I wake up.
I whisper, "ok." And continue.

We lay like this for a few minutes. We were lost in our own thoughts.

I had to get up. I needed to pee asap.

I nudge him, "Aidan you have to get off of me."

He groans, "Kitten I can't."
I sigh, "you have to get off. I am about to pee my pants."

He chuckles, "Kitten it is not a good idea for me to move for a bit."

I am confused now, "well you have too unless you want me to pee on the bed. You're squishing me and it's not helping my peeing situation."

Aidan sighs, "You have no idea, do you?"

I scrunch my eyebrows together confused, "Huh?"

He groans, "Ok let me try to put this in a way you'll understand. Kitten I woke up with you running your fingers through my hair and...well let's just say... I got a little too excited."

My eyes widened," ohhhhh. "

Aidan chuckles, "yeah so we can't move for a few minutes."

I literally laid there without moving now, "how about you get off me, I go pee and then you go to the bathroom to fix...that."

He is now laughing hysterically, "you are so innocently cute."

I blush (luckily he's not facing me).

He then gets off and I get up of my bed and run into the bathroom within seconds. And yes I hear him laughing.

I walk into the bathroom and see myself in the mirror. YIKES! Thank goodness Aidan hasn't seen me yet. I quickly pee and try my best to fix myself up.
After I'm done I awkwardly walk into my room and see him still on the bed.

I lean on the wall by my door, "umm the bathrooms free now."

He gets up and starts walking towards me. My eyes roam around my room. They look everywhere except at Aidan. It's hard to do especially since he's walking towards me.

When he's an inch away, he leans down and kisses me on my forehead. Then he walks out the door and into the bathroom.
I stand paralyzed because that felt so sweet. I know it was only two seconds but it was the best two seconds. I read a lot about how amazing and sweet forehead kisses are and I didn't believe it until now.

I shake myself off and decide to change my clothes. I go inside my closet and wear jeans and a burgundy sweater. As soon as I'm done Aidan walks in.

He sits on the edge of my bed, "I hope you don't mind me taking a shower. "

I gave him a weird look, "no why would I mind?"

He shrugs," i don't know. "

That was weird.

He then looks down on the floor, "Its just that no one has ever been this nice to me. "

I sit next to him and hug him. It takes him a few moments and then hugs me back. After a few long and quiet minutes, he gets up and walks out of the room without ever looking at me. I sit there and realize that there is more to him that meets the eye.

And I will figure it out.... one day at a time.

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