Chapter 35

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Hello you wonderful people! Thank you for supporting the story. Please check out my new story, "The Twins of Love and War",  as I have recently updated Chapter 3, and if I do say so myself, it was interesting. 


Aidan was tense since the phone call. As soon as we got on the motorcycle his grip on the handles was so strong that his knuckles turned white. I held on to him as tight as I could. I was honestly a little afraid. He was driving like a maniac. There were moments where I had to grip him so tightly I thought I was going to break him in half but the tightness of my grip did help bring him back to reality and slow down a bit. The whole ride, I couldn't help but wonder what was on that phone call. All I knew- bad news.

Thankfully we made it safely. As soon as he stopped, I got off the bike as quick as the Flash. Aidan realized, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that." I sigh, "It's okay. What happened?" He puts my helmet or his ,I should say, back on the bike and starts walking to the door, putting his arm around me nudging me along. I realized that we were at my house as we enter. 

My heart stops at my view. My dad is standing on a cabinet leaning on top with his hands on it and his face dropped down, Parker is pacing, and Jenny is sitting on the couch frozen and staring at one spot. I don't think I have seen her blink yet. I noticed that there was a lady sitting next to Jenny, I assumed it is her lawyer, the one my dad has been gushing about. I turn to Aidan. He looks down at me with a horrific look-matching my own. I couldn't take the secrecy anymore, " What the heck is going on?" I accidentally shouted. My dad looked up, Parker stopped pacing and Jenny actually blinked. 

My dad decided to take the bullet and speak, "Liam is countersuing Jenny know... what he did to her..." He couldn't even say that awful word. "WHAAAAAT?!!!!" I screamed so loud. Now, I am the one that started pacing. Parker came up to me held me still and hugged me.  I started crying. I felt so guilty because I talked her into this. I felt so ashamed at the world. I then feel Parker quietly sobbing. From the corner of my eye, I see Jenny still frozen in her seat but tears are now rolling down her eyes. I pull away from Parker turn turn him to show Jenny. We have a mental conversation with our eyes and then both nod at each other. We both walk to Jenny wrap our arms around her. She leans in. Soon after, I feel my dad and Aidan join in. 

We stay like that for a long time. Eventually the lawyer, who's name I still don't know but will look great with my dad, joined us too. We broke apart because her phone rang and she had to take it. Awkward silence breaking apart. Parker coughed, "So this is awkward...."We then all burst into laughter. We were just standing there all laughing. 

The lawyer came back with a smile on her face. As she approaches us I see her quickly look at me dad and look away. Aidan nudges me with his elbow- he saw too. My smiling dad asks, "What is it Kelly?" Hmm so her name is Kelly. "Well I have the best news. Another victim has just stepped forward." Jenny huffed, "That is not good news. That means he has done it more than once." Kelly looked at her with a sympathetic look, "I know sweetie but this is good I promise. Now we will be unstoppable. He will not be able to harm anyone else." Kelly spoke in such a sweet and convincing tone which made Jenny take a breath and nod. 

My dad looked at Kelly, " cmon Kelly lets go have  celebratory drinks. Sorry minors I would take you but no drinking for you." Smooth dad...real smooth...NOT. Kelly tried to hide her smile, "Well I am off the clock." Now my dad was about to blush. They are really PATHETIC. Parker interjected," OMG would you two just go? You're about to break your lips with all that smiling." He grabs  a hand from each of them and walks them to the door. He opens the door and pushes them out, "Bye kids. Have fun. Don't do something I wouldn't do." Then he shuts the door.

He turns to face us, "OMG they needed to go. Hails I suggest you find somewhere else to sleep because the way those two were eyeing each other..." I put my hands up, "EWWWWWW Parker stop." Aidan smirked, " Its okay Kitten I have plenty of room in my bed." Jenny and Parker oooooed like they were middle schoolers. I on the other hand, was thankful he didn't mention that I know what his bed looks like since Ive been in his room. I look up at him and he winks at me. How can he be so irresistible?

Jenny interrupts my drooling, "So tell me what happened earlier in the cafeteria. Parker filled me in but I wanna hear it from you." I roll my eyes, "Nothing happened." Aidan laughs, "Oh really? Because I remember that I am so irresistible that you couldn't wait to jump my bones." I nudge his abdomen with my elbow,"That is so not what happened." Okay maybe it is...a little. Parkers joins" I don't know Hails thats what it looked like from where I was standing." I shot him daggers, "Parker you're supposed to be on my side here." He rolls his eyes, "I am on the truths side."

Jenny finally smiles, "Yeah Hailey I think I'm with them on this one." She turns to a smirking Aidan and points a finger at him, "And you Mister don't act like you didn't enjoy it and wanted to hump her also." OMG I need to disappear right now. I cannot believe she just said that. Parker asks, "Hump? Who says hump anymore?" "Umm I do. Whats wrong with hump?" "Well maybe its okay if you were born in..." I yell and interrupt, "OMG both of you stop!" 

After a while, we all just hung out like normal teenagers. Key word- normal. We made popcorn, played games, made more popcorn and watched a movie. No one dared to mention the events from earlier because we just needed this, without all of the outside world. Jenny and Parker left around 1 am. My dad was still not home when they left.   Maybe Parker was right....okay...EWWWW... Before leaving Jenny pulled me aside from the guys and told me how happy she was for us and that we are great together. I blushed and thanked her. She is such a wonderful person.

It was just Aidan and I now. He starts cleaning up the mess we made. I join him. We are in a comfortable silence while cleaning. Once we were done, Aidan starts walking towards the door, "Well Kitten, what a day we had today." I smile, " Yeah I cant believe it. I don't know what to be more thankful for." Aidan smiles and leans in for a small kiss. This leaves me unsatisfied. "Goodnight Kitten." He turns around to grab the handle. As he is about to turn it, I grab his free hand. He turns to face me. I nod my head towards the stairs as I drag him by the arm after me. No one says a word as we go up the stairs.

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