Chapter 15

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The drive home was silent. It was comfortable though.

He held my hand the whole ride. He never let go. While he was driving, I was admiring him(not in a creepy way though). He was so brave, strong, sad, and.....beautiful. Yeah definitely beautiful.

We finally reached my house. I turned to face him. He did the same. We were back to staring at each other.

Instead of saying goodbye like planned, I said, "Aidan are you ok?"

He smiled a fake smile and nodded.

For the third time, I did something reckless. "Aidan do you wanna stay the night?"

Now ofcourse he smirked. "I knew you'd come around."

I smacked his arm. "Not like that perv."

He chuckled and was obviously unaffected by my smack. "Kitten I would be honored to come over."

I nodded. I was getting ready to exit the car but he grabbed my arm and stopped me.

His face was serious now. "Ill be there soon. I promise."

I stupidly nodded again. It seemed like there was a double meaning to his statement but I couldn't figure it out. While Im nodding and thinking about the statement, Aidan brings me back to reality by grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it.

My jaw dropped. My heart was pounding so fast it felt like it was about to come out of my chest.

Aidan saw the affect it had on me. Of course the jerk smirked. He was just about to open his mouth and say something embarrassing but I quickly got out of the car and walked to my front door. And yes I heard him laughing while I was escaping. Stupid jerk....

I walked inside my house. Thankfully, my dad wasn't home which means he's not coming home tonight. PHEW!

I went upstairs, changed into my pi's and called Parker to tell him about my night. Well I didn't tell him the stories because that was way too personal. After going deaf from his squealing( as usual), I hung up and resumed to watch my show. So this was my usual night, well except for waiting for Aidan to come.

I fell asleep. I didn't hear him come but I swear I felt it. Is that possible? I felt a kiss to my forehead, him climbing in and us finding each other to hold in to the dark and scary night (aka cuddling).

I woke up alone. So I guess it was all a dream. I mean you can't feel things while sleeping...right?! All of a sudden I heard footsteps. I sat up on my bed. I guess my dad is home.

Guess again.

Aidan came into the room with breakfast. Bless his soul.


So that means he did stay the night!


So was that a dream or no?

Again pulling me out of my thoughts, Aidan asks, "Kitten are you ok?"

That voice brought me back to reality. "Yeah, why?"

"You seemed out of it." He walks up to me and hands me a bag of food. "Here eat up."

I did a happy dance. "Thank you! FOOD!"

He gave me a weird look. "Hurry up and eat. We have to go somewhere."

That sentence scared me. "Where?"

He rolled his eyes. "Always inpatient aren't you kitten? You'll see when we get there."

I scowled. "Why can't you just tell me?"

Insert evil smile. "Where's the fun in that? By the way wear something nice. Ill pick you up in 15 minutes."

He got up from my bed. He started walking to the door.

I spoke up, "Wait, what about school?"

He turned to face me. "Kitten I already called and said you were sick. Now stop worrying and get dressed. Dont miss me too much."

With that, he walked out not giving me a chance to respond.

I finished eating, showered and changed within 10 minutes. That is a new record!

I wore a simple maroon colored dress with a leather jacket. I still dont know where were going! And I have to dress up! UHHHH!!

Suddenly the doorbell rings and I rush downstairs to open the door.

I open it. "Now you ring the doorbell?"

Aidan chuckles. "You look good. Now cmon."

I close the door and we walk to his car.

As we sit in the car, I ask, "Hey have you seen my dad by any chance? Since you were up earlier, maybe you might've heard him..?"

"Kitten would I be there if he was home?"

"I dont know. You two are buddy buddy after all."

He laughs. "Kitten I'd rather spend my time with you. Don't be jealous. "

I blushed, scowled and then hit his arm.

"Kitten save the feistiness for our next sleepover not while I'm driving." He wiggles his eyebrows.

I scrunch my face. "Aidan not even in your dreams."

Aidan laughs. "Kitten you can't control my dreams. They're amazing. Like last night..."

He didn't get a chance to finish that because I smacked him again but harder.

Once again, the rest of the short drive was nothing but him laughing and me scowling.

Then I realized where we were. I looked at Aidan and his usual sadness was back.

I am shocked. "Aidan are you sure..."

He nods. Then, he stares at me to see my reaction. I am beyond shocked and nervous but I decide to calm myself down.

Aidan breaks the silence. "Cmon Kitten I want you to meet my mom."

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