Chapter 4

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Uhh my lunch is ruined. Parker is too speechless/shocked, so I decided to speak up.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?"

Liam is the first one to respond, "Oh nothing just thought we would join you."

I was confused. "Why?"

Aidan now says, "Kitten if you dont like our company just say so and well leave."

"I do not like your company."

"Well too bad because were staying." the jerk says with a proud smile on his face.

I begin to boil inside and squish the rest of my sandwich with one hand. Now it looks like a pile of shit.

"The possy" continued talking to each other while Parker and I just looked at each other with WTF faces.

I was sitting in the corner by a window and across me was Parker. Next to him was Liam and ofcourse next to me the guy I wanna hit with a bat aka Aidan.And next to them, filling up the rest of the table were the bimbos who were giggling like hyenas to everything they were saying, even when the guys are serious.

Like seriously... WTF!

I decided to gather my things and move away. I got up nudging Parker with me. Just before I was about to leave, Aidan grabbed my arm and said, "Dont forget that you have plans on Friday."

I gave him a confused look. "Excuse me?!"

"Im having a party at my place and everyones invited, even you two dweebs."

I rolled my eyes, unoffended. "Yeah right. I have better shit to do."

I was about to take a step forward but he gripped my arm tighter!

He raised his brow with an amused smile. "Oh yeah, like what?"

Now I went off. "Listen I dont know who you think you are but Id rather shoot myself in the head then go to your stupid party."

His face expression was now 100% amused. He looked at me and then at Parker and let go of my arm. "It starts at 7. Dont be late. It'll be the house around the corner blasting the music."

He then turned around, back to his table while I stormed out angry with Parker following my trail.

I walked to my locker ranting. "who does he think he is"..... etc. This went on for a while with a lot of curses.

Luckily the bell rang and Parker ran, tired of hearing my curses.

After school, Parker came over. He was the only boy my dad allowed to come over. He was never home so how the hell would he know who comes over?

Anyways, we were waiting on the pizza and watching White Collar <3 aka living my dream

Parker then took the remote out of my hands and paused the show.


I turned to face him. "What the hell dude?!"

"Hailey cmon we've never been to a party. Dont you wanna go for once?"

"Its stupid and barbaric, so no."

"Oh cmon please" he does his puppy dog eyes.

"Parker that doesn't work on me."

I grabbed the remote and UNpaused. It was hard to watch the show since Parker was begging me through all of it...


Has anyone ever been to a high school party?

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