Chapter 40

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Thank you all again for reading my other story.It has almost 6K reads. AHHHHHH!  For some reason Chapter 2 doesn't update the read amount. But whatever.....

Anyways I thought a lot and decided to keep this book PG-13 because this is a high school book. My other one is college so it may have a different rating... not sure yet. 

Almost done with this book, please bear with me. 


**Niall: Its time to get up, in the morning.

Louis: In the morning.

Niall: Got McDonalds breakfast for you.

Liam: Just for you.

Louis: or any other brand..

Niall: we drove 2 miles just to get it.

Liam: So you better get up and eat it.

Liam & Louis: You don't wanna be a selfish lazy (crazy)boy.. (Harry)

All: So we gotta get up!

All: (get )Time to get up!

All: Its time to get up!

All: its time to get uupp.


All: Its time to get up!***

I hit the alarm after my favorite morning song ends. "You really gotta change that alarm," Aidan spoke. I jumped up for a second, forgetting that he was here next to me and his arm was holding me down.  His morning voice was so sexy, it was giving my body tingles. Last night was a night Ill remember for the rest of my life. It was beautiful. Aidan was more scared than I was at first but he was gentle and sweet. 

"I just want you to know I'm never changing it." Aidan put his arm around me and brought me even closer to him. He snuggled in my neck and kissed me. I leaned into his touch. "Whats it going to take to convince you to change it?"He said with a smirk. I shake my head, "There is nothing that will convince me unless you bring them here to sing it to me." He frowned, "There is no way in hell that is happening." I stick my tongue out, "Well then deal with it." He grunts and sticks his tongue out at me. I roll my eyes.

He then looks at me , scans me from head to toe and sits up alert. "Kitten, are you okay?" I nod. "Are you know...not sore or anything?" I chuckle, "I am a little but Im fine, I promise." He moves his face closer to mine, "Do you have any regrets?" I put my hands on his face and look him deep in the eyes, "No. Don't you even think that." I pull him even closer and kiss him with everything that I got.

Well that kiss lead to an hour delay of getting out of bed. Aidan insisted on drawing me a bath to make sure I am not sore while he went and made us breakfast. He was very sweet and charming, I must say. After breakfast, we walked around the property and the neighborhood. It was beyond beautiful here and  I never wanted to leave. We both agreed that we would go thank the amazing people that gave us this house. Aidan told me the story of how they contacted him and told him about the house. Aidan didn't want to accept but they sent him all the paperwork, showing the house is ours whether we want it or not. My dad knew of this and helped them with the paperwork. I was shocked when Aidan told me.

He also told me he asked my dad's permission before bringing me here. My dad had a few  more things to say too but Aidan told me its best that I didn't know and I agreed. We also discussed Jenny and were thinking of ways to help her out. We hoped that she would leave for college and start fresh after this whole trial is over.

 After walking and talking, Aidan took me out to lunch. We had our lunch in a cute little local cafe. Everyone knew each other and when we walked in looked at us funny. I felt like I was in Gilmore Girls or Hart of Dixie in that moment. We sat down, ordered food and spoke with the waitress a bit. She seemed to like us after asking us a lot of questions. Very Gossip Girl, if you ask me.

We decided to go home afterwards. As much as both of us didn't want to leave, we decided its time to go back to reality. On the way home, Aidan was telling me his plans after high school. He wants to move out as quickly as he can. He's not sure about career or college yet. I told him that its okay since its hard to have your whole life planned at only 18. He was surprised at my reaction, thinking I would lecture him about college like everyone else.

He pulled up outside my house. I wasn't sure how to walk in and look my dad in the eye after being alone with Aidan. He saw my discomfort, "Want me to go in with you?" I nod. He laughs, "I was hoping you'd  say no. Im more afraid than you are." That made me laugh. We got out of the car and Aidan grabbed my things. We walked to the door and slowly opened it. Well here it goes....

My dad was in the kitchen with Kelly. We walk in and say good morning to them. My dad cant look me in the eye but shoots daggers at Aidan while Kelly is grinning ear to ear looking at me. Okay so they definitely  know. I look at Aidan who is still and not sure what to do. I tug his arm and tell them we are going to unpack. My dad was about to say something but Kelly stopped him. Bless that woman.

We get to my room and both let out a sigh of relief. "Well that went better than I thought it would." Aidan chuckles, "Maybe for you, but your dad might kill me." I laugh, "He might." Aidan glares at me which makes me laugh more. He helps me unpack and then quietly goes home so my dad doesn't hurt him. I help the baby escape in one piece and go back to my room. 

What a day......

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