Chapter 6

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Everyone's mouth was dropped for a few minutes. Everyone stared at Jenny and then at Aidan. My neck hurt after a while of moving it back and forth. When everyone calmed down, Aidan walked past the crowd and in front of Jenny.

Through gritted teeth he asked, "What are you doing here Jenny?"

She smiled. "Not happy to see me here huh?"

Everyone was looking at Jenny but I decided to look at Aidan. I dont know him that long but I could tell his face was mixed with different emotions: confusion, anger and even sadness believe it or not. It made me wonder if was directing those feelings towards her or himself. 

Plus he was speechless. No one has seen Mr. BadBoy speechless. 

Liam stepped out of the crowd and spoke up. "Jenny seriously what are you doing here?"

Jenny surprisingly didn't even look his way and kept staring at Aidan. 

She still didn't look at Liam but said, "Just here to tell you all Ill see you all Monday. Continue partying."

She looked at the crowd, smirked and then walked out. 

Everyone stood still and  shocked. Everyone had the same question going through their mind: Why in the world is she coming back?

But I had another question in my mind: Why wasn't she looking at Liam?

Liam decided to walk up to the stereo and play the crap they call music. After that, the party continued. I looked around but couldn't find Parker. But I had to pee...UHH!

I walked up the stairs looking for the bathroom. I walked by a room and heard things being thrown. I opened the door and saw Aidan throwing beer and whiskey bottles at the wall. He looked bad. 

I somehow found my voice and spoke just above a whisper. "Aidan."

My voice stunned him and he jumped. He turned to me and I saw a different person. This was not the Aidan that bothers me everyday. 

He kept looking at me and spoke coldly. "What?"

"Whats wrong?"

"Why do you care?"

Im frozen on the spot by his coldness. "I just thought you needed someone to talk to."

Aidan stops and stares for a bit before coming closer. I was scared shitless. My eyes were probably widened. He stops an inch away from me. He's too close. I can smell his cologne and boy does it smell good. 

He shoves his face closer to mine and I smell A LOT of alcohol. 

His voice is just above a whisper. "I dont need anyone. Now get out."

He then turns away from me. Why did he all of a sudden turn cold? And to me? I didn't do anything. 

Now I was mad. "Fine. Stay here and be all by yourself."

I then walked out and slammed the door behind me. As I walk down the stairs, I spot Parker, walk up to him, grab him by the ear and exit the house.  I walk to my house, still pulling him by the ear while he screams, "OW!" like a little girl. I got my car and then drove him home.

After that, as I walk in, my dad is in the kitchen eating. 

I run and hug him. "Dad, hey, youre finally home."

We hugged, we ate, we talked.

Afterwards, I head to my room to sleep (after I peed ofcourse )

Its been a long day.

Right when Im about to close my eyes, something is being thrown at my window. My eyes widen as I sat up in bed. I was scared. It sounded like little rocks are being thrown at my window. I walked up to the window and looked down. My eyes widened even more (if possible). I open my window to yell at the intruder but instead the intruder decided to climb the tree that leads to my window. 

All of a sudden the intruder reaches my window and walks in my room. I was too shocked to move or make a sound.

"Kitten", he says.

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