Chapter 20

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Parker and Jenny.
Aidan ended up going downstairs. He was talking to my dad ofcourse. It was weird that my dad was actually home.

As soon as I enter the kitchen, they stopped talking. I walked to the fridge, ignoring them and grabbed some breakfast. As soon as I did, I sat down next to them and began eating.

Silence and avoiding eye contact. That's how we were eating. After we were done, Aidan and I got into my car and I drove to school. It was still silent. It was killing me. I didn't know why it was like this. Did I do something?

As soon as I parked, Aidan left and went inside the hellhole known as school. I decided to shake it off and followed his lead. Walking to my locker, I see Parker.

I wave at him, "Hey Park whats up?"

He gives me a puzzled look, "Nothing. Is something happening?"

Now I gave him a confused look, "No why?"

"You sure? Aidan just walked in with the same look on your face."

"There's no look ok!"

"Omg what happened?!"

Once again, I caught him up. He didn't squeal just listened. I was really shocked .

Before he can say something, Jenny walks up to us. Parker and I both froze.

Jenny waved at each of us, "Hey guys."


Jenny continued, "You guys ok?"

Suddenly I blurted out, "What are you doing here?"

Jenny half smiled, "Well you know getting an eduction because its the law..."

I interrupted, "Jenny you know what I mean. Liam will eat you alive."

Jenny held her head down, "I know but I have to go to school."

Parker interjected, "Wait a minute what are you doing talking to us?"

I hit his arm, "Parker! That's rude!"

Jenny looked up, "No its ok. He's right. I just saw you two talking and came by. You two were the only ones not staring at me or giving me death looks."

I hugged her, "Aww Jenny its ok. "

Parker joined in the hug, "Yeah it is. You can totally join our group."

Hugging Jenny, I saw everyone staring. Well two faces in particular: Liam and Aidan.

I just looked down at the floor and ignored them. Everyone needs a friend. Especially what Jenny has been through. Oh and yes she was dressed gothic, not her usual turtlenecks.

The bell then rang and everyone stopped staring and luckily went to class. Talk about saved by the bell. The three of us broke apart and walked together to class.


The three of us sat together and Jenny was just talking about her classes and how horrible they were because the teachers and the students were being "weird" around her. She just wanted it to stop.

All of a sudden, I feel a presence behind me. I turn around and see Aidan.

He leans down to my ear and whispers, "Can I talk to you?"

Before I get a chance to answer, he grabs my arm and pulls me out of the cafeteria. He takes me to the place we first saw Jenny- the staircase. He's still holding on to my arm.

"Ow can you let go now?"

Aidan does and turns away from me, "How could you?"

Im confused, "How could I what?"

He turns to face me now and scoffs, "How could you be with Jenny?"

I put my hand on my hip, "What?!"

He spoke really slowly, "How. Could. You. Be. With. Jenny?"

"Im not retarded you know. Im just wondering how dare you ask that? "

He was getting inpatient now, "well how could you?"

"Whats wrong with you? Now you're gonna tell me who I can talk to and not talk to?"

"No ofcourse not. Its just Jenny... you know.."

"Yeah I do. That poor girl. Everyone is treating her like shit. You know she does not deserve to be treated that way. I mean who does? Who wants people staring at them every two seconds..."

I didn't get a chance to finish before Aidan put a hand over my mouth.

Aidan continued, "Ok. I agree about the way she's wrongly treated part. But you know the history with us and now were.... sorta friends... and I just think it would be wrong and awkward.

I removed his hand from my mouth, "Aidan you're such a baby. Suck it up and go tell her what you told me. Go apologize. Get it off your chest."

Aidan took a huge step backward like I hit him or something, "No I can't talk to her. "

"What why not?"

He yelled now, "Because I can't!" I can't face her. I can't look at her."

"So now you're just gonna let it take over you? You know she's not going
anywhere. So grow a pair and do something you both deserve."

With that , I went back to the cafeteria.

After school, Parker, Jenny and I went to my house.

And guess who decided to crash it....

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