Chapter 33

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Please watch this towards the end of chapter (you will know when)

In this video, skip to 32 seconds and this is what I meant

Also, this show is called El Barco and its amazing, plus he's really hot ;) 


Did I just hear those words correctly?

The bad boy that calls me "Kitten" just asked permission to be his girlfriend.

What kind of bad boy is this?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Aidan shook me and asked again, "Kitten did you hear me? Hailey?"

I look at him weirdly, "Since when do you call me by my name?"

He chuckles, "Well this is a special case..."

"Still no matter what you call me Kitten, I was starting to believe that that is my actual name..."

He interrupts, "Hailey you're stalling."

"Mwah? Stalling? I dont think so. It doesn't sound like me. Besides..."

I was cut off with his hand covering my mouth. He smiles, it is a sad smile, and I can see he is trying to make it real but I see right through it, "Kitten its okay. You dont have to answer me now.  I just want you to think about it and let me know. Okay?"

His hand is still on my mouth, so I just nod. I kind of feel relieved. My head is spinning. I don't know. I just dont know. 

He realizes his hand is still on my mouth so he removes it. Weirdly, I miss his touch even if its his hand closing my mouth. He stands there staring at me, trying to study me. I look around, anywhere but at him, I cannot bare to look into his eyes. His eyes, which contain so much sadness, and I am here making it worse  .  I feel guilty and ashamed but I cannot seem to wrap my head around the question and focus on it, my head is spinning.

He sees my reaction and coughs to break the silent awkwardness, "So do you wanna get out of here?"

For the first time ever it is awkward with him. Boy I am an idiot. An awkward idiot.

I just nod again. 

We walked home in silence. Complete and utter silence. Not a single sound was made. 

We are now by my house and he walks with me to the door, "I am a gentleman Kitten, gotta make sure you made it safely. "

I smile, "I think I will be alright from here. Thanks."

He nods and walks away. I feel his empty presence already. I walk inside to an empty house as usual, run into my room, jump on my bed and scream in my pillow. Why do I always ruin everything?!!! Just everything. Anything I touch turns to mold not gold. 

I spent the day sulking in my bed, just laying there staring at the wall.

After what feels like days, which was more hours, I feel my dad touch me. I jump up and I am set back into reality. 

My dad looks at me, "Kiddo are you okay?"

I nod.

"Lying huh? Okay get up. Cmon. come with me downstairs."

I shake my head no. I just wanna be left alone.

"No no cmon. You know I wont leave you alone until you do. Cmon Hails dont make me start singing."

I shot up. I got out of my bed and followed him downstairs. My dad singing is the worst sound in mankind.  He sounds worse than Scuttle in "The Little Mermaid" during "Kiss the Girl" scene.

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