Chapter 13

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After I kept asking where we are going and him not responding, the ride was silent. Strangely, it wasn't  awkward or anything. In fact, Ive never felt so comfortable being silent. I looked out the window and saw nothing but a wooded are. OMG IS HE GONNA RAPE AND THEN KILL ME?!

Aidan sighed, "No Im not going to rape or murder you."

Now he had my full attention. Can he read my mind? I gave him a confused look. 

Aidan chuckled. "Kitten you said that out loud. Besides I wouldn't rape you, you'd be the one begging for me to never stop." He then wiggled his eyebrows.

I punched his arm...HARD.

Aidan scowled. "Ouch kitty. Dont you know not to hit the driver?!"

I smirked. "Dont you know I dont beg?"

And then he starts laughing to the point where there are tears. "Wow kitten. I like you feisty."

I rolled my eyes. "You haven't seen anything yet."

"Oooo well than I can't wait."

I decided to try again. "So where are we going?"

He smirked, "Nice try kitten."

It was silent afterwards.

After a few more minutes, we stopped. Trees were the only thing around us. I got scared. "Ahh Aidan are you sure this is the right place?"

We got out of the car and he came to my side, grabbed my arm and started pulling me to wherever he's taking me."Just trust me kitten."

"I have a name you know."

"Yes I know kitten."

"Its Hailey. H-A-I-L-E-Y."

"Kitten, I can spell."

Uhhh I was so frustrated! This stupid jerk. Why did I even agree to come here...

While all these thoughts were crossing my mind, I didn't realize we stopped. When I looked around my jaw dropped. The sun was about to set in a few so the place was extra beautiful. 

I looked at Aidan. "Wow Im speechless."

He chuckled. "Well thats a first."

I hit him lightly. "Shutup. Aidan how did you find this place?"

Aidan now turned stone cold. He gritted his teeth. "A few old friends showed me this place a while ago."

We both sat down on the grass. 

I continued. "Aidan I mean this in the nicest and most thankful way. Why did you bring me here out of all people?"

Aidan looked at me for a moment. He was thinking about something. 

After a few moments he responded, "I dont know. Something told me to bring you here."

Although I knew he wasn't being 100% truthful I smiled. "Well thank you it means a lot."

He was a little shocked by my response. I then, without thinking, put my head on his shoulder.

And then....silence.

Well at least for now.

I mean he brought me here for a reason and I'm gonna find out why.


Another filler. The next 3 chapters are the answers. They will be the best ( in my opinion lol)

Stay tuned. 

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