Chapter 24

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Guys its #7!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 


I am so lost right now. I am home alone and everything keeps re-processing. I can't stop re thinking it all. Did Aidan just say he liked me liked me? 

UHHH! I need a vacation. 

I  decided to go to bed. 

I couldn't sleep at all. I just kept tossing and turning and replaying it all. I turn to my phone and look at the time. Its 2:14 am. I got up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Its Friday night or Saturday morning so I know my dad isn't home. Also, Its weird not having Aidan here as company. 

Oh Aidan, Aidan, Aidan. I can't stop thinking about him. Do I like him? How do I like him? What do I do? 

I decided to find out. RIGHT NOW. Since I can't sleep I decided to do something impulsive. By that I mean go to his house and get some answers. 

And thats what Im doing right now. Scared and nervous but still walking. And yes I am in my Minnie Mouse pajamas.

Almost there. 

5 steps more.





Im at his front door. Im not sure how to enter. Im not sure how to not wake anyone else up. 

I walk around the house and look up and see a light on. I see a figure pacing. Aidan isn't sleeping either. Just like in the movies and like Aidan does, I find a tree and climb it to his room. Let me tell you something that is a lot harder then it looks. I mean this is the most exercise I've done all year and I wish I stayed in my bed. 

I finally get up to his window and tap it. Aidan looks at me and he's surprised. He comes, opens the window and helps me inside his room. 

He asks, "Kitten, what the hell are you doing here?"

Breathing heavily I say, "We have unfinished business to attend to."

Before anything else is said, I look around his room. Its dark blue with a bunch of posters on them. I dot recognize anything on them. Other then that theres nothing new: a huge bed, tv, dresser, etc. Also, Aidan is not the cleanest. His clothes are everywhere.

Im taken back to reality when Aidan says, "Kitten are you done exploring my room like a museum?"

I just realized he's only wearing pajama pants. I am drooling on the inside, look away and take deep breaths to keep my cool.

Then I turn to face him, "Oh right sorry.  Look Aidan about what you said....what exactly did you mean? I mean just lay everything out on the table because I can't sleep and I really want to sleep...believe me I need it..."

He put his hand over my mouth and stopped my rambling. 

He smiled. He actually smiled. He wasn't angry like earlier. 

His hand was still on my mouth and then he leaned a bit and kept staring in my eyes. My heart was on overload, my stomach had butterflies and my chest felt like its about to explode. It felt like time stopped and there was no-one else. We were just standing there staring at each other. 

After a while, he removed his hand from my mouth but not my face. He moved his hand to the side of my face aka my cheek. His thumb began to run over my face. I was frozen. I felt him moving closer and closer. He was about an inch away until he stopped.

He whispered, "Kitten tell me to stop right now and I will."

I was silent. 

He closed his eyes and said, "Kitten do it now while I can control myself."

I was silent.

He very slowly moved closer.

I closed my eyes.

All of a sudden, I don't feel him near.

I opened my eyes.

Aidan is stadning a few feet away.

I am confused, "Aidan what the hell?"

He looks away, "Im sorry I shouldn't have. Lets pretend this didn't happen."


"Kitten it'll be for the best."


"Kitten were not a good match and you know it."

"Since when are you the one making all of the decisions?"

He lets out a sigh.

"Aidan its my decision too. After what you said earlier before storming out, it got me thinking and I need to know. I need to know how I feel."

"Lets stop before you know."

I start walking towards him, "Thats my decision too."

He walks backwards away from me.

I walk toward him.

He hits his back against the door. AHA no where to go.

I am near him. As Im walking closer and closer he doesn't take his eyes off me. He watches me closely and has no emotion.

We are now an inch apart. So close. So damn close. Just staring at each other.

I got tired of all the staring.

I grab him by the neck and kiss him hard before he has a chance to move.

The second my lips touch his lips, it felt like electricity. I was addicted already. We were really passionate. Aidan took control and began to kiss me slower and slower. I felt all of his emotions. 

He picked me up and carried us to the bed. He sat down, leaning against the headboard with me on top of him. Our kiss hasn't broken yet.

We couldn't stop. It was like a drug. A really good drug.

After a while, we needed to breath. He started kissing me down my neck and up to my ear. It felt really good. Then he went back to my lips. 

It felt like forever yet not enough. I broke it off because I needed air. Ive never kissed someone this long. Aidan has waaaaaaaaaaay more experience then I ever will. He smirked because he knew I was out of breath.

Then he put us in a laying position and then repositioned so he was on top. 

He leaned in to my ear and whispered, "Kitten you're gonna regret this later."

I looked at him. I knew I would'nt. I didn't respond and just kissed him again. 

And again.

And again.

Well this night isn't how I imagined it to be....

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