Chapter 2

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Aiden had left me completely flustered, I mean the nerve of that boy. I took a few deep breaths before I actually hit the dial button to call Andrew.

"Hello?" His voice filled my ear instantly lifting my mood. "hey babe, I finally finished unpacking" I responded rather quickly. But I needed something to take Aiden off my mind. Plus Andrew is my boyfriend. I needed to talk to him anyway.

"Oh yeah? Well, that was fast. how's your roommate?" He offered a conversation. "Christina's fine. It actually seems as if I and she will be good friends" I smiled, looking over at my crazy, yet sane, roommate.

"That's good, I'm glad you're settling in" there was a pause "I miss you, though it's not going to be the same without you here" his voice was soft.

"Oh Drew I miss you too, you just have no idea" I sighed. I heard his melodic chuckle. music to my ears.

"Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea. if you miss me almost as much as I miss you" I scoffed and giggled at how cheesy he was.

but I liked it.

"Aww that's so sweet" I gushed through the phone "Andrew baby I have to go and sleep, I've got a big day tomorrow" I sighed thinking of the rough day ahead of me.

"Okay darling I'll let you go then. I love you" man just hearing his voice cheered me back up "I love you too, bye" I looked over and Christina wasn't on her bed anymore. my eyes continued to search until I spotted her in a skintight black dress and black heels.

"well, ally are you coming?" She said while she was putting on her eyeliner. I shook my head frantically. "parties aren't really my scene" I glanced over to see her reaction, but once again, she wasn't where I had just seen her.

She was directly in front of me, arms crossed over her chest. "You should come please, just as a" she paused "welcome to NYU kinda thing" parties are nothing but trouble and even if I did want to go, which I don't, I have nothing to wear.

As if Christina heard my thoughts, she continued trying to persuade me "I promise I won't let anything happen to you" I nodded at her. "yeah but I have classes in the morning and I have nothing to wear" I argued back.

"Well I'll have you back before 11 and you can wear something of mine" why won't she just give up. I sighed in defeat I ran out of excuses. if my mom found out she'd probably kill me. "fine I'll go"

She let out a high pitched squeal "and call me Chris" she shouted as she walked over to her closet rummaging a bit before she walked out with a white dress that looked as if it would come to my knees "I figured that I'm already dragging you to a party, and you don't seem like the kind to show too much, so I brought you my longest dress" Chris explained with a smile.

Thank god she didn't bring me a skimpy dress. I forced a smile and took the dress to go change. The v of the dress didn't reveal too much cleavage and the hem came an inch or two above my knees, the sleeves were 3/4 quarter and overall I loved this dress.

"Chris I don't own any shoes that'll match this dress and I don't really like to wear heels," I said as I started to curl my hair. I walked out of the bathroom to see she had a pair of silver sandals in her hand. this girl did not take no for an answer.

"Ally you don't have any makeup on" she gasped causing me to chuckle "no Chris I only have on mascara" immediately she grabbed my wrist, pulling me into the bathroom "you are really pretty, but why don't you wear just a little tonight" Chris said pulling out a large bag of makeup of all sorts.

"Chris I'll wear a little more makeup, but I'm not putting on a whole face, maybe just a little lipstick and eyeliner, that's all" I was already going to a party, I'm not putting on a full face of makeup. "Okay, but can I at least do it for you? I promise not to put on too much" she asked

I nodded and let her put on the little makeup that I did allow. After a few minutes, I didn't even recognize myself. But just as she promised she didn't have too much makeup on. just enough to make me look like a new person.

My brown eyes were accented with the eyeliner and mascara. my lips were a natural shade if pink and my cheeks were brushed with a light blush. And my curly bronze hair framed my face perfectly. I actually looked pretty.

"Come on ally I promised I'd have you back before 11 and it's already 9 so let's get a move on it," Chris said snapping me out of my trance. I nodded, turning on my heels, quickly sliding on the sandals and rushing behind Chris towards the door.

The party was way bigger than I was expecting. not that I thought it was going to be small. but this is huge. the front of the frat house was swarmed with people holding red cups, dancing and music was blaring from inside.

"Well come on ally we don't have all night, unfortunately" Chris smiled from in front of me. I followed behind her into the frat house and was met with a sea of people. they were all staring at me. did I have something on my face? "Oh, Chris you did bring the stiff after all" I looked up to see Aiden smirking at me.

"Hey Amy you actually look good" Aiden looked at me "Chris how'd you do it? She looks like a whole new person" Chris laughed at him shaking her head. "my name is Alyssa or Ally, not Amy" I snapped at Aiden.

"Well Alyssa I didn't really need your attitude so I'll be somewhere away from you" he replied just as sharply as I had and walked away from me.

Just as Aiden left, someone else appeared beside me. "Well hey there I've never seen you here before," a slightly deep voice said from beside me causing me to jump. He just chuckled at my reaction. "I don't bite I promise, I was just trying to make conversation because parties aren't my scene and from how you just jumped out of your skin when I talked to you" he paused chuckling again "they aren't yours either".

I only nodded at him. just as I opened my mouth to speak, he continued "I'm Shawn by the way" he said offering a hand to me. I looked up and took in his features. he had bleach blonde hair that was a perfect quiff, bright green eyes, and an overall face of a vogue model. "I'm Alyssa but people call me Ally" I said as shook his offered hand. I smiled up at him, he was the only person I've seen so far that doesn't look intoxicated.

"So if parties aren't your thing either wanna step outside?" I questioned getting tired of the party already. "yeah sure why not" he said with a bright smile. as I was walking towards door I saw Aiden with some blonde girl in skimpy shorts and what I think was a crop-top. He saw me and narrowed his eyes at me, but I simply ignored him. Shawn and I went to the back of the frat house since it was quieter and had fewer people than the front.

I sat on a stone wall that was just outside the door and starred up at the sky "so how'd you get dragged here?" I started a conversation. he chuckled, probably at my choice of words. "uh my friend made me come here actually" he paused, glancing down at me "what about you? You're all dressed up"

I grinned "Same actually, she even forced me to wear this" I giggled motioning towards my dress. "well you look beautiful nonetheless" I blushed at the simple compliment. "I uh..."I paused, I'm not used I people calling me beautiful "uh thank you". I guess he noticed that too because he just beamed at me.

"Um, I'm going inside to get something to drink, want anything?" I was thirsty but I don't really drink alcohol, I had too many horrid memories. "um yeah sure" it was the easiest way out of the situation. He nodded before scurrying inside, leaving me outside by myself.

I glanced up at the night sky, what would Andrew think about me being here? The thought was interrupted by Shawn coming out of the house. "Hey I thought you'd run off somewhere," he said, smiling and handing me my drink. "I also didn't know if you drink alcohol, so I just got you some plain cranberry juice" he paused, looking at me "if that's alright" thank god because me and alcohol weren't a good mix.

"Um yeah thank you actually" I looked up at him "me and alcohol don't go too well together" I looked down at the liquid in my cup.

I heard a mischievous chuckle letting me know that Shawn and I weren't alone out here. sure enough, there Aiden was grinning at me.

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